Today Kaylia received an Honour Certificate at school! It was great to watch her going up to be presented ... she had a classmate help her but she did it! We have a little video of the event ... I will see if I can attach it to this message. (Later: No, it's not PC to blog the video ..... but I can send it to you if you email me to ask! I've included an image of the cerficate instead.)
Her language is becoming much better - she is now talking by choice (rather than using gestures) and although enunciation is still a problem, it is a big improvement.
I have found out (yesterday) that the pain I have in my wrist is from osteoarthritis .... this is very disturbing as it directly affects my ability to engage in my major hobbies (shed, building) ... even to the point of being difficult to drive the car. The pain level varies from nil to totally disabling at times.
We have decided to find another aupair ... on my own, I find it hard to do paid work plus care for Kaylia. The extra pair of hands makes a world of difference.
NOISY!! Last night Kaylia woke at 3am and decided it was time for fun .... she was noisy! (Usually, Tina is able to sleep through all her noise ... but not this time!) It was very happy noise .... but we really knew that she was enjoying herself! And she continued till about 6:30am.The increased Melatonin worked on Sunday night but tonight, I think we will go back to using Painstop again ... or else we won't survive!I had a funny experience this morning .... Kaylia is used to having about 20 photos on the iPod and she loves scrolling through them .... last night I added 5,200 photos to the iPad (because it has heaps of memory) and this morning, she discovered them! She scrolled and scrolled .... and scrolled! She found photos of herself and Naomi in the 'ball-pit' on the Virgo from our trip in June 2007 ... and she kept coming back to them. I think they will be her favourite ... she looks at them and says "Mummy!".
Father's Day! It was a bit different to most ... it started at 2am! We tried not using Painstop and she spent most of the night awake - 2am to 6am. This coincided with a night where I had one of my nightmares ... followed by a bad headache. So I was awake from 1am to 6am too. A good night... not.Of course this means that the day gets a bit hard to handle too. Fortunately, it was brightened by:
- fun with my iPad Fathers Day pressie
- went for a drive to the Mundaring Weir (Kaylia always likes walking accross the weir ... I hope she gets to see it in full overflow mode one day.) followed by lunch at Kalamunda.
- a catch up sleep in the afternoon! (very important!)
- Turkish pizza for tea - yum!
A good day for Dad.
(Today I delivered my lathe to its new owner. This meant using the bobcat to load it onto the trailer, load the bobcat too ..... then a 1/2 hour drive ..... then use the bobcat to unload the lathe .... then drive home and unload the bobcat.) Tonight we are doubling the Melatonin from 1mg to 2mg - see what effect that has.