Saturday, February 25, 2017

#1488 Saturday 25 February

One of our biggest issues at present is hunger!   Kaylia refuses to eat at lunchtime at school ..... we try all sorts of tempting foods but they just come home again .... and then we find that around 4 pm she gets very upset.  ..... lots of crying and screaming.  If I make a milkshake with egg in it .... and tell her that she must drink it .... then the monster disappears and Kaylia is back!
It's as though she feels hunger but can't identify what it is.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

#1487 Thursday 23 February

This morning has been a good example of the problems that arise from her communication issues.  As we were about to leave for school she was quite agitated and upset .... first we worked out that the brace was too tight .... then there was still something wrong.  I remembered that she had stubbed her left big toe quite badly last night .... Ah hah!  ... Sore toe inside shoe is not good!

So she lost the shoes .... and she's much happier.

We've been doing some more of the "memory stories" .... yesterday it was Yanchep .... today it's been Busselton. She particularly enjoyed stories about swimming in the deep pool .... about swimming down, down to the bottom .... then up, up up to the top .... big breath and then down.  She laughed and laughed.  She seemed to be able visualise herself in the situation ..... which is clearly a form of imagination.  Interesting!

One of her favourite foods is "chocolate pizza" from Little Ceasars .... as usual she was on about it ..... so I had a mad few minutes of flour egg and stuff .... and ... Voila!  20 minutes later ..... Chocolate pizza ala Ian .... quite yummy

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

#1486 Wednesday 22 February

It's 4pm .... we're in a delightful period after school when I'm having an ol codger nap .... and Kaylia joins me ..... and we talk about her favourite things ..... today it was Yanchep.   She likes to have a "story" told to her  that is a recounting  of her memories.... the trip to Yanchep, the arrival, going to buy tea, cooking a BBQ .... and so on.  She loves it!

Monday, February 20, 2017

#1485 Monday 20 February

Today has been the first day for Ash and Abbie ..... combined with the departure of Joe and Ellie.  Joe collected their campervan and they packed up and left at noon..... aiming to be at Jurien for the first night.

Kaylia enjoyed her first morning school trip with Abbie ..... she was showing "ownership" signs already.

Evening: she was a right little so and so this afternoon ... I was inclined to say that she was just being a teenager .... but then she wolfed down a huge tea!  She's in a hungry phase and I didn't recognise it.  Now it's 6pm and she's mellowed out in the bath.

It could also be a bit of transition blues going on .... the change of people in the house could do it.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

#1484 Sunday 19 February

The pancakes aren't working ..... It's a bad day.

Later: the day turned out well. .... a visit to Maxine .... where Kaylia had her usual bath ..... then back home to await the arrival of Ash and Abbie.

The afternoon sped by till tea was over and then Kaylia wanted the night routine so that she could make school come faster!..... and as usual she was upset that she must wait till the morning.