Kaylia has had a good day .... the morning with Jo .... Whiteman Park, swimming, shops ..... then home before going shopping again with Naomi and I. Then tea and chocolate muffins .... that was her "can we" at the shops.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
#674 Saturday 7 September
I'm going to talk about Kaylia .... I won't mention "that" topic .... it's too depressing.
Friday, September 6, 2013
#673 Friday 6 September
A little breakthrough .... this morning we'd had breakfast and I was off in my own world .... and Kaylia brings over her empty lunchbox! .... telling me without words that I'd forgotten to prepare her school lunch.
There are so many small victories at present .....
..... and in the real world? Today I read of G20 summits .... and the election tomorrow .... and it seems to me that human society is based on the art of lying! No matter which way you look, you must try to discern truth from the lies. Nothing can be taken at face value.
Is it really worth all the trouble to be a human?
Thursday, September 5, 2013
#672 Thursday 5 September
This blog is a useful thing .... today I had a need to confirm some details of things we were doing a couple of years ago .... and reading the entries from that time brought it all back. Memory is such a fickle thing .... it is so easy to forget totally ... or to remember a distorted picture.
But reading the blog from a long time ago also made me remember how tough things have been in the past (with Kaylia) .... and to appreciate once again just how good things are at present. We're very fortunate.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
#671 Wednesday 4 September
Today we had a meeting at school to discuss Kaylia's progress .... it was very rewarding. She is the top of her class and performing really well! She is behind mainstream of course but she's still within reach of "catch up". It shows the value of all the hard work we have put in over the years. The task isn't complete yet .... but it's getting there!
A very concerning thing that we have been told is that the cuts to education funding ( by the state government) will mean less aide time for Kaylia. We are disgusted by the government tactics .... a short time ago they were saying that WA spent more on education than the Federal benchmarks .... now they are making big cuts ..... that will have a real impact on our children. (.... and my bet is that there will be a pay rise for the politicians soon!) This really is "the pits" in political behaviour.
Our sources tell us that school principals have been "gagged" ... they're not allowed to say anything!
On a positive note, in yesterday's therapy, Kaylia surprised us by saying .... "I don't know." It was in context and appropriate .... Wow! It's little things like this that make all the hard work worthwhile.
We are having to be more careful with things we say now .... she understands us and will repeat it! Yikes!
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
#670 Tuesday 3 September
Good night ..... No - no! .... seriously ... it WAS a good night!
Kaylia has had a good day .... the new therapy approach seemed to go really well. It will be wonderful if she can finally learn how to play. It's so sad that she has missed out on "the world of play".
Monday, September 2, 2013
#699 Monday 2 September
It's been a hard day! First the night was unsettled .... Kaylia didn't sleep well and frequently tried to move over into the big bed .... so I'd have wake up to persuade her to move back again. Then after a dry night, she wet the bed just before getting up for showers!
Here she is posing for a photo that we can use in the Monday morning school news. She is going to be a lucky girl as she grows up ... to have so many photos .... so many memories.
One of her current favorite activities is to look at all the photos we have of her on the computer .... there are 1,742 in one set of folders ... arranged for different ages .... plus others elsewhere. She likes to look for the birthday party photos!
Then we found out that a staff member was sick .... so I had to work a full day and do two jobs at the same time. (I normally go home mid afternoon .... I find that I run out of steam then.) So today was hard .... with many "brain freezes" where I struggled to think what should be done next.
After work it was time for the usual post-therapy Nandos for tea.

One of her current favorite activities is to look at all the photos we have of her on the computer .... there are 1,742 in one set of folders ... arranged for different ages .... plus others elsewhere. She likes to look for the birthday party photos!
Therapy has entered an interesting phase .... now that she can identify emotions, we are using that ability with dolls and other make believe things .... maybe we can stimulate imagination that way.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
#698 Sunday 1 September
Fathers Day ..... to enjoy Fathers "wot are wif us .... an remember the fathers wot ain't"
It's been a strange day .... a crisis arising and hopefully passing .... eBay happenings .... I sold one item and bought another with the proceeds ... fun activity to distract me from other things.
Kaylia is having an upset day and she's on the computer with "Playschool".
Later again: .... very strange .... Kaylia had another of those attacks .... could be pain or anxiety - not sure. It got quite bad .... lots of crying ..... and then it was gone! Just like a switch being turned off. ..... and after that she was a "giggling gertie" again. We don't like it.
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