Viorry is a helper at the centre and Kaylia really loved her time there. I think Kaylia made quite an impression there. Kaylia still talks about the place and it will be a 'Must' when we are in Bali next month.. (Notice that they have a large ball-pit? Any ball-pit is an instant success with Kaylia.)
Therapy today was a disappointment .... very hard. We will have to think hard about what is being done and how to improve her ability to learn. The whole therapy process is very wearing. It's been going on for six years now and there's no end in sight. Parents of normal children have life so easy .... the children just absorb knowledge and conditioning without any real effort .... where we must analyse every aspect of behaviour and teach every minute part to Kaylia.
This evening it is pink cup cakes!
Remember Naomi's superb method of handling the telemarketing phonecalls? Well it really works! Another one a short while ago .... same result ...... and we nearly fell over laughing.
Kaylia is in the shower again ..... fourth time today. I don't mind because she only has a trickle of water .... and she turns it off often and spends much time dancing in the shower recess. She loves the time in the shower. She comes out frequently looking for reassurance that it's OK.
A new idea! Imagine .... the phone rings.... Naomi sotto voce .... "please... If you're a telemarketer, then Ian will smash the phone again .... and I don't want to have to buy a new phone .....". and they hang up!