Saturday, March 23, 2019

#1975 Saturday 23 March

A quiet day.... sticking to routine!  A car drive after bath and breakfast.... then more bath and more drive....  Ho hum....

It seems so.... so.... boring?  Yet she loves it.... and the routine is so important to managing her anxiety and making her into a happy chappy! .... and she is certainly happy. 

7:30pm We've finished the bedtime routine and now she's in bed singing her head off.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

#1974 Thursday 20 March

Today school had a thing called "Harmony Day". with everyone wearing orange.  Shades of the orange people!  I wonder if anyone thought of that!!

Kaylia is starting to get Eve trained. Kaylia is such a delight....

Sunday, March 17, 2019

#1973 Sunday 17 March

This afternoon we took Casey to the airport to catch her flight back to NZ.
Kaylia was subdued ..... she knew what was going down and she didn't like it.  Kaylia will really miss her friend.

Eve (and Dave) will take over tomorrow.  They're from Leicester in the UK.