I'm going! (.... to Bali that is ....). The furniture is being delivered so I'm to be there to install it. Up Saturday, back Wednesday.
Kaylia is REALLY happy tonight ... she's been trying to go back to an old stim of bringing piles of toys out of her room ... so rather than say "No" .... and fighting a battle over it .... I've been saying OK ... and then we put them back. This seems to keep her quite happy.
STOP PRESS .... Big time!!!
It's 8:20pm and we've just had half an hour of "all hands on deck" to clean up a HUGE mess..... Kaylia had been very quiet and we discovered (to our horror) that she had found the play-paints .... and painted herself and most of the lounge room, lounge, carpet ..... Fortunately water-based .... but it was a frenzied cleaning session to catch it all before it dried!

This is a very small sample!