31 days to go
HAPPY NOO YEAR!! First day of the year ..... first day of the decade.
Couldn't sleep last night .... awake from 2am to 5am Kaylia had her first 'no nappy' accident .... huge! So it was remake the bed at about 3am. This is what happens when she has copious amounts of fluid just before bed (i.e. jelly and drink).
Today Kaylia had a big car ride for the morning .... we drove all over collecting chairs and a table ...... checking out a cheap car (which we ended up buying)..... and picking up 2 sofas ... which had to be delivered to the office. By 1pm she had had enough. She was pretty grotty for a few hours, demanding to go to the swimming pool and out in the car. At one point she asked for the "little swimming pool" and Naomi wondered if she might be asking to go to Kym's. It's hard to tell some time. After numerous time-outs she eventually came good. It's a good thing we have sturdy floors - Kaylia is very good at stamping her feet when she is displeased.
At some point during the day she managed to wobble out another tooth. We're beginning to wonder where this wobbling teeth hobby will stop!
All the household is tired tonight ..... its hard to think.
Zoe has had a melt-down because she visited an illicit website (thanks Tina!) and her laptop became infected with a serious virus. The Tina came to the rescue and she is nearly finished the fixing process! Well done Tina .... (she's not wearing purple now so I can make jokes!)
Tina was out on the town last night and scored 2!! Text messages abound now.
- Posted by the Kaylee Blogger
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Friday, December 31, 2010
#133 Friday 31 December 2010
32 days to go till school starts again
The LAST DAY of 2010 - I'll tell you about yesterday and today ... and then I'll spend a little time reviewing the highlights of 2010. A quick look at the decade just gone too!
You'll recall that the day began badly yesterday .... with K rampaging from 1:30am .... it turned out well (considering) ... she had a outing in the middle of the day and a big swim at the pool late afternoon. After tea, Naomi & Zoe went on an "Ikea Outing" (to buy stuff for the new office)! Tina was also out and at 7Pm, Kaylia was asking for Mummy! When she found out that Mummy wasn't home, she wanted 'TEEWA!!' .... when she realized that Tina wasn't home either, she stormed off to her room and put herself to bed!
After the previous night, I was exhausted too and went straight to bed as well.
Today ..... Kaylia was up at 7am ..... a 12 hour sleep! By the way, this is the third night she has slept without nappies and without any accidents! I've said before, she's a champion! Kaylia has been quite a lot better today. Although she is still showing anxiety type behaviours, she is very cheerful. It's an acceptable way to be ... it would be better if she didn't have to restlessly pace the floor and constantly want car rides ... but at least she is happy!
Today we took possession of the building from which the next stage of the business will operate. For those who don't know, the business is the 'Child Wellbeing Centre' - a psychological practice providing a range of services for children to age 16. The new stage in Midland will have other people join Naomi to work with her extending the range of services.
Today we started moving in the furniture and setting up the infrastructure so it will be ready to open in about 2 weeks time.
Kaylia in Year One .... for her to cope with the mainstream class!!
Therapy for Kaylia now concentrates on thinking concepts and language concepts. Real progress is being made in both areas. Kaylia has gone from being non-verbal to having a basic language ability (about 3 yo).
Team Kaylee .... out of adversity was born the concept of adult team work being essential for kaylia's future.
Bali trip in August (- we'd thought after the January trip that we couldn't travel any more)
Business expansion - Naomi's private practice has gone well and is expanding in 2011
Balcony extension - I completed the construction of a small balcony (sitting on a tree stump!)
Happy ending to the toe saga! I battled with an in-grown toenail for months and finally got it fixed.
iPads! The coming of iPads into our household has made real differences to our lives.
Kaylia born in 2004
Moving to Darlington in 2002
Naomi moving from the Ed Dept to private practice over the past 2-3 years
Ian "retiring" and then going back to work
Kaylia diagnosed as autistic in 2006
ABA therapy for Kaylia
The entry of aupairs into our life! We have shared our home & life with nine wonderful people.
Tina (#4) staying on as "big sister" for Kaylia.
< ..... and Zoe .... sheesh! ....>
Looking ahead to 2011 ......
Kaylia in Year Two! Continue making friends.
Therapy - continue her progress.
Trips to Bali - all of us in July 2011, individual trips for Ian in February and Naomi later in the year
Business growth - consolidating in the new Midland centre.
Health - we both need to seriously engage in an exercise program and Ian needs to maintain control of the diabetes.
- Posted by the Kaylee Blogger
The LAST DAY of 2010 - I'll tell you about yesterday and today ... and then I'll spend a little time reviewing the highlights of 2010. A quick look at the decade just gone too!
You'll recall that the day began badly yesterday .... with K rampaging from 1:30am .... it turned out well (considering) ... she had a outing in the middle of the day and a big swim at the pool late afternoon. After tea, Naomi & Zoe went on an "Ikea Outing" (to buy stuff for the new office)! Tina was also out and at 7Pm, Kaylia was asking for Mummy! When she found out that Mummy wasn't home, she wanted 'TEEWA!!' .... when she realized that Tina wasn't home either, she stormed off to her room and put herself to bed!
After the previous night, I was exhausted too and went straight to bed as well.
Today ..... Kaylia was up at 7am ..... a 12 hour sleep! By the way, this is the third night she has slept without nappies and without any accidents! I've said before, she's a champion! Kaylia has been quite a lot better today. Although she is still showing anxiety type behaviours, she is very cheerful. It's an acceptable way to be ... it would be better if she didn't have to restlessly pace the floor and constantly want car rides ... but at least she is happy!
Today we took possession of the building from which the next stage of the business will operate. For those who don't know, the business is the 'Child Wellbeing Centre' - a psychological practice providing a range of services for children to age 16. The new stage in Midland will have other people join Naomi to work with her extending the range of services.
Today we started moving in the furniture and setting up the infrastructure so it will be ready to open in about 2 weeks time.
Kaylia in Year One .... for her to cope with the mainstream class!!
Therapy for Kaylia now concentrates on thinking concepts and language concepts. Real progress is being made in both areas. Kaylia has gone from being non-verbal to having a basic language ability (about 3 yo).
Team Kaylee .... out of adversity was born the concept of adult team work being essential for kaylia's future.
Bali trip in August (- we'd thought after the January trip that we couldn't travel any more)
Business expansion - Naomi's private practice has gone well and is expanding in 2011
Balcony extension - I completed the construction of a small balcony (sitting on a tree stump!)
Happy ending to the toe saga! I battled with an in-grown toenail for months and finally got it fixed.
iPads! The coming of iPads into our household has made real differences to our lives.
Kaylia born in 2004
Moving to Darlington in 2002
Naomi moving from the Ed Dept to private practice over the past 2-3 years
Ian "retiring" and then going back to work
Kaylia diagnosed as autistic in 2006
ABA therapy for Kaylia
The entry of aupairs into our life! We have shared our home & life with nine wonderful people.
Tina (#4) staying on as "big sister" for Kaylia.
< ..... and Zoe .... sheesh! ....>
Looking ahead to 2011 ......
Kaylia in Year Two! Continue making friends.
Therapy - continue her progress.
Trips to Bali - all of us in July 2011, individual trips for Ian in February and Naomi later in the year
Business growth - consolidating in the new Midland centre.
Health - we both need to seriously engage in an exercise program and Ian needs to maintain control of the diabetes.
- Posted by the Kaylee Blogger
Thursday, December 30, 2010
#132 Thursday 30 December 2010
33 days to go
The trial of the increased Lovan yesterday was positive ... we'll use the increased dose again today. She finished the day yesterday much happier than usual. She was calmer ..... not as calm as we'd like ... but better. Perhaps the lower stress level meant that her normally sunny character could shine through.
Last night she was late to sleep .... about 9:30 again .... this could have been influenced by the Lovan at midday. Lovan usually lasts from morning to evening so a late dose would mean that she was likely to be still influenced by it when she should be settling for sleep. One would expect that Lovan would make it easier for her to sleep though ......
Then she woke at about 1:30am .... she was quiet for a while and then by around 2:30 I could hear 'the elephant' downstairs again. She kept this up the rest of the morning and by 5am, I gave up and came downstairs to keep her company .... hopefully a bit quieter. It's now 5:55am and I have just tried getting her to stop pacing back & forth .... this was greeted with "NO ha ha!". The pacing could indicate stress or it could be a stim. She seems very happy while pacing so I think that it's a stim.
Today we will try swimming again and see if she has a better reaction. Vacation swimming classes start soon and we need to have her accepting the pool again by then.
Later today I'll take the trailer and collect the first lot of furniture for the new office ... Kaylia will enjoy the ride!
Just after that the stress went through the roof .... wanting "car" at 6am! We've now calmed her and she might rest for a while.
Resilience is a big factor here .... I feel as though I have only a small amount of strength (stamina? reserves?) left to deal with it .... I think I'll try and grab "the badge" today .... but that won't help ...(yes .. I need the badge!)
Later: We found out what she was doing at 3am!!! She raided all the lollie supplies in the pantry! Half a packet of jelly beans, a box of Tic-Tacs, left over Christmas stocking .... and that's just from the evidence left lying around!! No wonder she was pacing at 5am .... she was on a serious sugar high!
Now it's 8:30 and she is wanting "Car! .... Shop!"
- Posted by the Kaylee Blogger
The trial of the increased Lovan yesterday was positive ... we'll use the increased dose again today. She finished the day yesterday much happier than usual. She was calmer ..... not as calm as we'd like ... but better. Perhaps the lower stress level meant that her normally sunny character could shine through.
Last night she was late to sleep .... about 9:30 again .... this could have been influenced by the Lovan at midday. Lovan usually lasts from morning to evening so a late dose would mean that she was likely to be still influenced by it when she should be settling for sleep. One would expect that Lovan would make it easier for her to sleep though ......
Then she woke at about 1:30am .... she was quiet for a while and then by around 2:30 I could hear 'the elephant' downstairs again. She kept this up the rest of the morning and by 5am, I gave up and came downstairs to keep her company .... hopefully a bit quieter. It's now 5:55am and I have just tried getting her to stop pacing back & forth .... this was greeted with "NO ha ha!". The pacing could indicate stress or it could be a stim. She seems very happy while pacing so I think that it's a stim.
Today we will try swimming again and see if she has a better reaction. Vacation swimming classes start soon and we need to have her accepting the pool again by then.
Later today I'll take the trailer and collect the first lot of furniture for the new office ... Kaylia will enjoy the ride!
Just after that the stress went through the roof .... wanting "car" at 6am! We've now calmed her and she might rest for a while.
Resilience is a big factor here .... I feel as though I have only a small amount of strength (stamina? reserves?) left to deal with it .... I think I'll try and grab "the badge" today .... but that won't help ...(yes .. I need the badge!)
Later: We found out what she was doing at 3am!!! She raided all the lollie supplies in the pantry! Half a packet of jelly beans, a box of Tic-Tacs, left over Christmas stocking .... and that's just from the evidence left lying around!! No wonder she was pacing at 5am .... she was on a serious sugar high!
Now it's 8:30 and she is wanting "Car! .... Shop!"
- Posted by the Kaylee Blogger
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
#131 Wednesday 29 December 2010
34 days to go [ ta-da-ti-da ..... n-o-o-o-o! ]
Red Letter Day! We signed the lease for a new business office in Midland today ..... we gained a new business associate .... we set up power, phone & internet at the new office ..... we bought quite a bit of office furniture ..... it's all happening! We will be very busy for the next few months .... making the new systems work.
Kaylia continues to be ....... unusual?? ..... We wish we knew! Things that she normally loves she is rejecting ... she went to the pool today with Naomi ... and immediately wanted to leave! At this moment she is cycling between upstairs and downstairs .... changing DVDs .... singing to herself. She is choosing a low stress environment that she can handle. If she goes outside (in the car for instance) then she has to have the headphones on. In the car she holds a blanket over her head.
Our current thinking is that the change in routine brings high stress. This seemed to start about the time that she began the change to the new classroom at school. It has continued at home. We're trying an increased dose of the Lovan. In the past, this has had an immediate effect and so we gave her an extra dose at midday .... she seems to have been better this afternoon .... fingers crossed.
Earlier today I met a fellow Year One parent at the Post Office .... we discussed the idea of Kaylia having some time with her daughter - one of K's school friends. After a few ideas, we realized that it just wouldn't work. Zoe suggested a meeting at the playground ... that might work! It's worth a try.
The 'Purple Brigade' still have the jokes ban in place .... cheesh!
- Posted by the Kaylee Blogger
Red Letter Day! We signed the lease for a new business office in Midland today ..... we gained a new business associate .... we set up power, phone & internet at the new office ..... we bought quite a bit of office furniture ..... it's all happening! We will be very busy for the next few months .... making the new systems work.
Kaylia continues to be ....... unusual?? ..... We wish we knew! Things that she normally loves she is rejecting ... she went to the pool today with Naomi ... and immediately wanted to leave! At this moment she is cycling between upstairs and downstairs .... changing DVDs .... singing to herself. She is choosing a low stress environment that she can handle. If she goes outside (in the car for instance) then she has to have the headphones on. In the car she holds a blanket over her head.
Our current thinking is that the change in routine brings high stress. This seemed to start about the time that she began the change to the new classroom at school. It has continued at home. We're trying an increased dose of the Lovan. In the past, this has had an immediate effect and so we gave her an extra dose at midday .... she seems to have been better this afternoon .... fingers crossed.
Earlier today I met a fellow Year One parent at the Post Office .... we discussed the idea of Kaylia having some time with her daughter - one of K's school friends. After a few ideas, we realized that it just wouldn't work. Zoe suggested a meeting at the playground ... that might work! It's worth a try.
The 'Purple Brigade' still have the jokes ban in place .... cheesh!
- Posted by the Kaylee Blogger
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
#130 Tuesday 28 December 2010
35 days to go ( .... and boy! ... don't we know it!)
Today I was reminded of the bad times one year ago ... when we got back from Bali reeling from the experience ..... and then we had weeks of battling the anxiety ... not having any weapons in the arsenal.
Today has been bad too ... we're not sure why. It could be that she is still feeling sick with the wog .... or she may be struggling with the routine ..... or anxiety may be out of kilter from medication variation ... or she may just be a naughty seven year old .... or it may be any mix of the above! From minute to minute, we have struggled to understand what is happening and how to handle it. There have been a couple of time-out sessions .... leaving her bedroom a disaster area! At times she has flatly refused things which normally are her favorites.
We're left doubting ourselves, doubting what we're doing ......
Of course all this takes a toll on us .... we get pretty depressed about it .... so we've put a new rule in place today. Only one of us (out of the 4 adults) is allowed to be depressed at any one time! We have a "Depressed Badge" .... which you can only wear for 2 days at a time!
In addition, a certain majority of the household is allowed to wear something purple at certain times .... and then the oppressed minority (me) is not allowed to make puns or any other jokes!!! This is discrimination of an oppressed minority I say! Not Fair!
- Posted by the Kaylee Blogger
Today I was reminded of the bad times one year ago ... when we got back from Bali reeling from the experience ..... and then we had weeks of battling the anxiety ... not having any weapons in the arsenal.
Today has been bad too ... we're not sure why. It could be that she is still feeling sick with the wog .... or she may be struggling with the routine ..... or anxiety may be out of kilter from medication variation ... or she may just be a naughty seven year old .... or it may be any mix of the above! From minute to minute, we have struggled to understand what is happening and how to handle it. There have been a couple of time-out sessions .... leaving her bedroom a disaster area! At times she has flatly refused things which normally are her favorites.
We're left doubting ourselves, doubting what we're doing ......
Of course all this takes a toll on us .... we get pretty depressed about it .... so we've put a new rule in place today. Only one of us (out of the 4 adults) is allowed to be depressed at any one time! We have a "Depressed Badge" .... which you can only wear for 2 days at a time!
In addition, a certain majority of the household is allowed to wear something purple at certain times .... and then the oppressed minority (me) is not allowed to make puns or any other jokes!!! This is discrimination of an oppressed minority I say! Not Fair!
- Posted by the Kaylee Blogger
Monday, December 27, 2010
#129 Monday 27 December 2010
36 days to go
We've had to revert to the usual 'holiday strategies' .... Kaylee doesn't cope well with an absence of routine. The school day is just about perfect for her.... she knows what is to happen each day .... she can feel that she is in control.
Holidays however ... her known routine is gone! So we try to build a new routine for her .... at school she can look at the schedule on the wall .... so we have a schedule on the wall too! We build a schedule for the current day and the next day coming. Then she can know where she is in the day.
It doesn't help that she still has a bit of the head wog. Naomi still has the wog and she is suffering.
It's midday and Kaylia has just pulled out another tooth .... one from the bottom this time! We had no idea that this tooth was loose! She just pulled it out.
Her language use was significant .... she kept saying "open, open" as she wiggled the tooth out of her mouth.
We've been for two drives this morning .... each time we had to change plans. The first trip was to go to the movies .... but there were crowds of noisy kids and she couldn't stand it. Then we tried again .... this time she didn't want to get out of the car. So Naomi went shopping while I drove laps around the shopping centre.
It's a very hot day (37 degrees at 11am) and it will be worse before the evening. Fortunately the house is cool.
- Posted by the Kaylee Blogger
We've had to revert to the usual 'holiday strategies' .... Kaylee doesn't cope well with an absence of routine. The school day is just about perfect for her.... she knows what is to happen each day .... she can feel that she is in control.
Holidays however ... her known routine is gone! So we try to build a new routine for her .... at school she can look at the schedule on the wall .... so we have a schedule on the wall too! We build a schedule for the current day and the next day coming. Then she can know where she is in the day.
It doesn't help that she still has a bit of the head wog. Naomi still has the wog and she is suffering.
It's midday and Kaylia has just pulled out another tooth .... one from the bottom this time! We had no idea that this tooth was loose! She just pulled it out.
Her language use was significant .... she kept saying "open, open" as she wiggled the tooth out of her mouth.
We've been for two drives this morning .... each time we had to change plans. The first trip was to go to the movies .... but there were crowds of noisy kids and she couldn't stand it. Then we tried again .... this time she didn't want to get out of the car. So Naomi went shopping while I drove laps around the shopping centre.
It's a very hot day (37 degrees at 11am) and it will be worse before the evening. Fortunately the house is cool.
- Posted by the Kaylee Blogger
Sunday, December 26, 2010
#128 Sunday 26 December 2010
37 to go
Boxing Day ... is that for putting stuff back in boxes? .... or for going around boxing people?
Health .... Naomi is still sick as the proverbial. My toe has just given me a r.e.a.l.l.y bad night ... an hour after going to sleep the pain woke me (about 7/8) ... painkillers ... try to sleep .. no good ... more painkillers .... sleep a little .... more painkillers. I finally slept about 3am and when I woke, the pain was gone.
Kaylia slept late .... after all the swimming and time in the sun, she was tuckered out. Today she doesn't want breakfast ... she doesn't want presents .... she just wants "CAR!!"
She is now eating popcorn! At least it's something!
Recently I discussed blogging and Pete mentioned Samuel Pepys .... not having heard of Mr Pepys I went to Google .... and I was amazed! Samuel Pepys (1633 - 1703) wrote a daily diary in great detail - what an insight into the way life was lived at the time. He would have loved the idea of a blog on the net!
Today Anni & Barbara leave us to fly back to Germany .... weather permitting! Isn't it a strange time ... floods, snowing .... I won't ask "What's next?"
Later: Zoe & I have just returned from a drive to Toodyay, Northam and then back home. On the way, we found a macadamia farm! (This is a shared passion for Zoe & I!) Unfortunately no-one was home so we couldn't buy any .... but we know where the farm is now! The round trip to Northam & back was about 2.5 hours ... Kaylia loved it.
When we go driving, we take a supply of fruit and a drink for her ... she eats the fruit, covers herself up with her favourite blanket ... and at some point she asks for the iPad and watches videos .... the traveling itself is very calming for her. A trip like that is a little slice of heaven for her.
We're pondering an idea for Kaylia's next birthday (30 January) .... what about a stretch limo! Fill it with goodies, collect some friends ..... and go for a drive!! I think she'd enjoy that!
After tea .... she ate steak for tea and afterward I noticed that she was feeling around her loose front tooth .... or should I say .... feeling where her front tooth used to be! She was saying "... meat, meat." and we take this to mean that the tooth came out when she was eating meat!

- Posted by the Kaylee Blogger
Boxing Day ... is that for putting stuff back in boxes? .... or for going around boxing people?
Health .... Naomi is still sick as the proverbial. My toe has just given me a r.e.a.l.l.y bad night ... an hour after going to sleep the pain woke me (about 7/8) ... painkillers ... try to sleep .. no good ... more painkillers .... sleep a little .... more painkillers. I finally slept about 3am and when I woke, the pain was gone.
Kaylia slept late .... after all the swimming and time in the sun, she was tuckered out. Today she doesn't want breakfast ... she doesn't want presents .... she just wants "CAR!!"
She is now eating popcorn! At least it's something!
Recently I discussed blogging and Pete mentioned Samuel Pepys .... not having heard of Mr Pepys I went to Google .... and I was amazed! Samuel Pepys (1633 - 1703) wrote a daily diary in great detail - what an insight into the way life was lived at the time. He would have loved the idea of a blog on the net!
Today Anni & Barbara leave us to fly back to Germany .... weather permitting! Isn't it a strange time ... floods, snowing .... I won't ask "What's next?"
Later: Zoe & I have just returned from a drive to Toodyay, Northam and then back home. On the way, we found a macadamia farm! (This is a shared passion for Zoe & I!) Unfortunately no-one was home so we couldn't buy any .... but we know where the farm is now! The round trip to Northam & back was about 2.5 hours ... Kaylia loved it.
When we go driving, we take a supply of fruit and a drink for her ... she eats the fruit, covers herself up with her favourite blanket ... and at some point she asks for the iPad and watches videos .... the traveling itself is very calming for her. A trip like that is a little slice of heaven for her.
We're pondering an idea for Kaylia's next birthday (30 January) .... what about a stretch limo! Fill it with goodies, collect some friends ..... and go for a drive!! I think she'd enjoy that!
After tea .... she ate steak for tea and afterward I noticed that she was feeling around her loose front tooth .... or should I say .... feeling where her front tooth used to be! She was saying "... meat, meat." and we take this to mean that the tooth came out when she was eating meat!
- Posted by the Kaylee Blogger
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