We're trying to compete with Queensland! Our floods are pretty bad too! Kaylia was up at 3am this morning ... I took her downstairs intending to settle her in her own bed .... only to find that her bed was completely saturated ...... sheets, blankets ..... only the pillows escaped the deluge! Poor thing.
So it was upstairs again as I couldn't face the re-building phase .... but she wasn't in sleep mode any more ...( there must be a switch somewhere ... but I can't find it!) Downstairs again .... re-build the bed ... try to not make noise so Naomi can sleep. We now have a conflict in priorities .... do we try to correct Kaylia's sleep habits? ...... or do we try to get some sleep ourselves so we can survive the day ahead? Guess which one won!
Kaylia received an invitation to a birthday party! Yay!
.... and while she was at the library yesterday with Zoe, one of her school friends came into the library ..... Kaylia saw her, recognised her, went to her, gave her a hug and said hello! That is such a change since a year ago! Wow! A year ago Kaylia would not have even been aware that anyone had walked into the room!
On the wrist front, while at the doctor's yesterday, I got a prescription for Naprosan .... it does a similar job to Voltaren but without the risks .... so I have a pain control again! (Voltaren had been very effective ... till they found that it was actually a nasty thing in itself!)
Later: (This is the 'end of the day' edition!)
Kaylia had some upsets today that illustrate the problems of being an "auty one" .... Zoe took her swimming and there were two birthday parties in progress at the pool .... nothing to worry about, you think .... but for Kaylia the extra noise and sounds of children meant that she became very upset .... and the pool visit had to be aborted.
Fortunately (while all this was happening) Tina had a blonde moment and locked her keys in her car ..... in Cannington! This meant a l-o-n-n-g car ride for Kaylia while Zoe delivered the spare keys! (Tina now owes Zoe big-time as Zoe had to brave unkown roads to do so!)