Another significant event!! (These seem to be coming faster ... do you agree?)
Last night around tea-time I was on the phone to Maxine .... Kaylia came up (en route for a walk with Kat) .... I gave the phone to Kaylia thinking that the "talk" with Auntie Maxine would be the usual one sided affair where Kaylia just listens.
Instead I heard her making clear responses to questions that Maxine was asking .... it was a real conversation that went on for about 4 or 5 sentences! I think this is another "first"!
It is also a basis for other play activities pretending to use the phone .... I'll look for a toy phone that actually transmits voice.
Another "event" that I'd forgotten ..... during the review on Tuesday, Kaylia was using the "play-doh" and pretending that she had a stethoscope .....

It was clear imagination! Zoe and others will recall how we have struggled to teach her to use imagination in play ... and constantly failed ..... and here we saw a clear example that she had initiated! Breakthrough!!