Saturday, December 27, 2014

#1061 Saturday 27 December

We spent yesterday relaxing ..... swim at the lagoon ..... followed by a BBQ ...... then more relaxing.   

...... and today?   Began with Kerrie departing early for a camping trip with mates ...... then it was playground (after a trip to the hardware) ..... then home to use the purchases to repair a broken chair.

Stana and Dennis arrived for lunch ..... bringing Jaris (dog) with them.  This resulted in hours of hilarious dominance behavior by Teddy .... with him being repeatedly "counted out".  Believe it or not, Teddy understands "1, 2, 3" and goes to his time out spot after 3.   This was followed by more playground time before a relaxing evening.

Friday, December 26, 2014

#1060 Friday 26 December

Our Christmas Day was relaxed and very pleasant..... we must stick to the routine so "present time" was delayed till the normal shower / breakfast routine had been completed.   The Kaylia had the task of distribution of gifts.  As is correct, her own pile was large!   And all day she was demolishing them .... literally!   Her method is to "love them to bits" .... once the first is in bits she starts on the next!  She gets great joy from this process and it usually takes her a day or so to work through the supply.

After present time, we headed down to the lagoon ..... freeing up the kitchen space so Naomi could have some cooking time free from distraction. This is her "fun time" and the result was magnificent!

After lunch it was relaxing time ..... till Kaylia's anxiety level got the better of her .... and we used a car ride to allow her to get back into calmness.

All in all it was a very good day.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

#1059 Wednesday 24 December

Christmas Eve!
Kaylee and Kerrie and I are at Yanchep.... the advance crew setting up house ready for Naomi to arrive .... maybe in the next half hour.  There's a beautiful sea breeze blowing and Kaylia is now in her third hose session..... she's very happy.  But she didn't want to go to the beach .... she wants to wait for mummy to get here.

While waiting we decorated the Christmas tree .....

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

#1058 Tuesday 23 December

We go to Yanchep tomorrow! Phew!  Kaylia is still having trouble with the "Y" sound ..... it comes out as "Lanship".  This is funny considering she had so much trouble getting the "L" sound right.

Her love of presents is raging.... all the presents are in Naomi's office but yesterday Kaylia trotted out with one ..... and was miffed when she had to go and put it back.

She's getting really good with her computer skills ..... after tea last night she had disappeared.  I thought she'd gone upstairs and I went down to my office to close down for the day ..... and there she was watching a movie on the computer!  She's using the right-click on the mouse already.

She had a "Giggling Gertie" attack this afternoon ..... she just couldn't stop.   It's so good to have a happy child.

Monday, December 22, 2014

#1057 Monday 22 December

3pm and she's had the morning at the lake ..... it's a perfect day for it.  After lunch she's been in the outside bath .... and she asked me to make an outside shower for her ..... so now she's in the bath with the shower ..... cold .... raining down on her.  No chance of heat stroke here!

She's very happy again.  The gastro that she's had for a couple of days was making her very upset.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

#1056 Sunday 21 December

2 days to go .... Phew!   She can be very wearing at times.

1pm. We've been over to Aunty Moo's .... then back to Midland .... Subway for lunch .... then to the office so I could install a new modem.... then home.

Now she's in the bath outside .... with bubbles galore!
The revamp of the garden area is going well .... 2 ponds are in place and many rocks have been moved. The aim is to use the bath water to feed the ponds and garden.