Saturday, November 25, 2017

#1704 Saturday 25 November

Yesterday after school we took Kaylia into RPH where she had a check up for her kyphosis condition.  These visits are always a trial as she has to have an X-ray of her back.... and the we wait.... and wait..... till we see the specialist.  Yesterday was the usual.... and Kaylia was perfectly behaved during the hour long wait.   

At one point the tedium was broken by a very strange event..... 9 heavily armed men.... with full body armor and machine guns.... trooped through the waiting room escorting one prisoner in a wheelchair!  He must have been a very dangerous man!  The security detail were very serious about their business... very alert and watchful.

Anyway.....   The end result of the visit was that her back seems to be progressing well.  The guy had to admit that the X-ray couldn't really show us much as the picture was only a front view.... no side view.  Since kyphosis can only be seen in side view, it was a bit of a wasted exercise!  But he was a nice man.

Today....  a lot of time at Bilgoman swimming pool .....

Friday, November 24, 2017

#1703 Friday 24 November

Another good night.  Maintaining her bedroom at a constant temperature seems to be the answer... just cool enough that the blankets keep her body temperature at the right level so that she stays asleep.  It seems to be working. 


I've just had tree fallers working .....

 This tree is in front of the 'bungalow' .... after the bungalow has been moved, the driveway will be constructed to the left of the trunk .... so the tree needed a cosmetic trimming to be ready for this.

 This job is to 'make safe' a dead branch on the large tree next to the letterbox.  The branch was rotten and when it fell it would be likely to break the powerline.

These guys are so fit ....

 ..... and this tree is the one that over-hung the house at the corner .... the trunk was rotten through and it is just a matter of time till it fell on the house.

I love watching how they work!

A few weeks ago, we wouldn't have been able to get this work done .... but because the builders wouldn't come and do the repairs needed from the tree falling on 22nd September, I was able to have a cash settlement from the insurance .... this will be more than enough to pay for the repairs plus getting a few other jobs done as well.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

#1702 Thursday 23 November

Phew.... Wot a day.... Banking hacked....  hours at the bank getting it all working again.   Life is too complex.

Kaylia of course is oblivious to all these problems.... all that concerns her is the immediate physical sensation that then gives rise to her emotional state.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

#1701 Wednesday 22 November

It's 6:30am and she's still asleep!  Yay!

Today was a school excursions day.... she always gets very excited about these days and today is no different.  Today the class went to Kings Park.... this is a place that Kaylia has always loved.

On "the project".... today we removed the roof covering the little patio in front of the room.  It mainly consists of a large steel frame.... I didn't want to cut this up.... so we moved it as one piece.  I wish we had a photo of this move.... it was quite an event. I hope to re-use this frame later.

The plans for the actual room move are "gelling".... it will probably happen in the next few weeks.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

#1700 Tuesday 21 November

Aaarrrgghh!  She woke at 2am and it was one of those nights where she just wouldn't lie still.... so she wouldn't go to sleep.  2 and a half hours of constant "stop moving" etc till she finally went to sleep.   I'm stuffed. 

4:30pm  Kaylia is home after a good day.  She has had lots to drink and hopefully this will improve matters tonight. 

The project went well today.  Nita and Sverrin have been dismantling the outside roof.... and Andrew and Catriona have been conducting an experiment with lifting the room.  The aim is to test the building's structure to see how rigid it is.  The results were very good and things are looking good for a move in a few weeks time.

Monday, November 20, 2017

#1699 Monday 20 November

We've been plagued lately by a string of nights where Kaylia has had difficulty getting to sleep.... and then has woken several times in the night.  We pondered that the cause might have been temperature change and control as the season changes.  So last night we tried "normalising" the room temperature by leaving the air conditioning on..... and it worked.  She has stayed asleep. 


The room move is progressing well.  Andrew and Catriona did valiant work today painting all the framework.


#1698 Sunday 19 November

The day began with pancakes..... and a new milestone.  When some pancakes arrived on the table, Kaylia reached over and offered a pancake to me!  It seems like a little thing but it shows awareness that I was there.... awareness of the social manners.....  It was good.

After breakfast it was the usual drive over to see Aunty Maxine.... still without Naomi as her infectiousness is a problem. Till Naomi can shake this chest infection, she has to be careful.  Kaylia spent her time at Maxine's in the bath as usual.  After that it was home to await the arrival of Andrew and Catriona.... back from their Pilbara adventure.... the adventure had been dampened by car trouble but it had still been memorable in a good way.