Naomi was working late last night and at bedtime Kaylia was doing her usual thing ... she arranges the pillows and the curtains so she can lie on the bed and look out the window.... she watches for the car .... and every now and then I hear a little voice saying "Mummy".
Today Kaylia has been struck by her old enemy .... constipation. Poor thing. Back on the water wagon it is.
This afternoon I spent some quality time in the shed .... I'm building a hoist that can lift firewood ( and other stuff) up onto the balcony. I'd been waiting till I'd sold a computer to give me funds to buy a new welder .... and I remembered that I still have the old old welder that I learned to weld with .... 50 years ago. I'll have to find out just how old it is .... from a bit of searching on Ebay, I found an advert for it from a magazine in 1965 ..... the machine on the right selling for 29 pounds.

So it would only been a year old when Dad bought it. That 29 pounds is about $500 in today's values ..... and the new welder that I'm buying is a much more powerful and sophisticated machine .... for half the price!

I never cease to be astounded at how cheap tools have become over the years.
Despite the age of the welder I was able to complete 'stage two' of the project. It's very satisfying to be able to do this sort of work again. It's the first time that I've done metalwork since I had all the wrist problems 4 years ago.

In fact .... considering the "wrist fusion" I have, it's amazing that I have so little disability from it.