Saturday, February 18, 2012

#516 Saturday 18 February

Missed 2 days this time ... not good!
Yesterday when I took Kaylia to school, she hopped out of the car and put her backpack on ... then she wanted to run to class!  .... bit hard for me to keep up!  ... but it's wonderful to see just how excited she is about going to school.  She is so happy to be there.

Last night she did something naughty!  At bedtime she often switches between upstairs and downstairs till she is ready to settle .... most of the time she just plays in her room when downstairs.  Last night she didn't!  In the morning we found that she had raided the pantry ..... found the salt container (the large one!) and she had emptied this all over the lounge.  As you know, the lid on those containers is very hard to remove ... but she did it!  When she was little she loved eating salt and we learned to put salt well out of reach.  She hasn't shown signs of this for some time .... and now she can climb!  Time to lock the pantry.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

#515 Wednesday 15 February

Sleep .....

The "Kaylia Story' for today!  Last night was a night when Kaylia prodded and poked and flopped and hugged .....  Naomi didn't sleep well!  So in the morning we discussed how we can encourage Kaylia's transition back to her own bed downstairs.  (At present, Kaylia is showing some interest in this but she still comes upstairs after a while.)

So ... we thought "We need a carrot!" - to entice her to stay downstairs. 

Now Kaylia LOOVVES Calypo icy-poles .... so I say to Kaylia ..." Stay downstairs in bed and you can have a Calypo."

Kaylia thinks a bit .... then says "NO!!!"    It looks like we're going to need a bigger carrot!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

#514 Tuesday 14 February

We had some more good news yesterday .... Zoe is now planning to be back with us in late September! Kaylia will be rapt! It's now about a year since Zoe left and I still hear Kaylia talking to herself about Zoe. (I'm not imaginating .... it's quite clear!). Of course it helps that Kaylia sees Zoe during Skype calls ... but it is still very significant.

Monday, February 13, 2012

#513 Monday 13 February

Missed a day again!
Yesterday was Peter's 65th birthday so we had a little celebration with him .... he was impressed by the visible progress that Kaylia has made recently. Then ... as we were walking back to the car .... Kaylia began hugging Pete! It was quite unusual behaviour but quite delightful.
We stopped off at the Midland office on the way back .. Naomi's brother David has procured a caravan and he's going to leave it at the office. I'll use it as a bit of extra office work space .... we have a shortage a space for admin staff (me).
Then it was more swim .... before heading home. All the day's activities had worn us out so it was 'down time'.
Today? School! (excitement)
She had her six monthly dental check this afternoon .... followed by therapy ... followed by Nandos (of course!). She gets really excited by her dentist visits .... she paces round and hates having to wait till the dentist is ready to see her! (strange child!)