Kaylia's current favorite song is "Close to you" .... she sings it in the car as we drive along. She has several favorites. I've just downloaded a couple of Carpenters CDs to get the track for her .... gee the Carpenters made beautiful music!
Kaylia also sings many bits of classical music too.
Well .....!! I just been privileged to watch an amazing therapy session. Kaylia was really fired up and she was alert, quick, correct ..... she had a brand new exercise (that was a the right difficulty level) and she just took it all in her stride.
During the imaginative play part she was making Teddy bear be a character .... she was asked ... "What is he feeling?" Hot "what will he do?" Hose (!!!)
It's getting very hard to remember what Kaylia was like a year ago. She is so different now.