Saturday, May 9, 2015

#1149 Saturday 9 May

We're in a good space at present ..... Kaylia is so happy and alert. Last night she was laughing at jokes made by the adults ..... this may well have been mimicking the adult behaviour but it still felt very good.

Kaylia is still likely to be very dependent and to need lots of care ..... but when she's such a happy, loveable person it makes all the hard work worthwhile. 

Afternoon:  we're at Bunnings in the playground...... I've been pondering the words above .... they paint a rosy picture ..... mostly accurate but we still need to carefully manage her world to produce this happiness.  To a real extent it's still dependent on medication ..... from time to time I test each medicine to see if she still needs it.   Unfortunately she still does.

Friday, May 8, 2015

#1148 Friday 8 May

Phew ..... time has flown!  Last time I mentioned that the Falcon had met its end ..... so we found a little Barina in good nick.  That's been giving trouble a bit ..... Carlo is fixing it.

Kaylia is really enjoying school ..... this afternoon she was very excited to tell me all about it.

We've been enjoying being able to burn garden rubbish again ...... this photo is the sunlight through the smoke.

Monday, May 4, 2015

#1147 Monday 4 May

It was an exciting evening last night ... for the wrong reasons!  The Falcon has come a cropper on the wet roads ..... no one was hurt but the damage is likely to cost more than the car is worth ..... so bye-bye Falcon ..... and we'll look for something else.  It's a pity 'cos the Falcon was a good car.

Kaylia is off at school .... and I've had a shed day.

 I've made a ripper for the 3PL on the tractor .... total cost = $15 ..... value $400.  I've made it all from scrap steel.