It's 3am and an adventure has just concluded happily. Maicon (Camille's partner) had gone into the city for his English lesson and arrived back at Midland at 11pm ...... and he was to catch the bus to Darlington. At that point his phone battery was flat ...... and then he missed the bus stop near our home ..... got off at Glen Forrest a few kms away .... and walked back to home. While all this was going on we began searching for him at 1am! We retraced the route to Midland and checked at the Police station..... and had just begun checking all the places that were open at 2am .... when he rang to say that he was at home! Phew!
It was a sharp reminder that our emergency preparation is not good enough.
While all this was going on, it was clear that Kaylia had woken herself up and gone to the toilet ..... her door was open. That is real progress!! I think this is the first time that she has woken herself in the middle of the night.

Let me introduce you to Camille Lautredou ..... she takes over from Hannah in two weeks and this week is a gentle immersion time for her ...... finding out how Kaylia 'ticks'.
Camille is French ... she lives near Qimper in Brittany. Much of our day is spent in language work as both Camille and Maicon (more of Maicon later) need a lot of help with English. Camille grasp of English is much better than my French! So we both help each other.