Now .... what happened yesterday?
The day passed well with Kaylia having most of her favourite things .... Whiteman Park, Aunty Moo.... then airport!
On the way to the airport we stopped at Subway for tea .... followed by dessert at Macca's. This was at an unfamiliar one .... and we didn't notice the ordering speaker .... when we got to the window the guy was upset ..... you must drive round again! Brynn (who has worked at Macca's in a prior existence) was aghast! Why couldn't he simply take our order at the window?
.... and then ..... driving down the road .... the car next to us had a passenger dressed to the nines .... red sequinned top .... really nice! (It was a chihuahua!)

Everything went well at the airport except that the wait for boarding was spoilt by what appeared to be a very anxious child who kept yelling "PLANE". About 15 minutes before time I took her for a walk ... and she plastered herself to the windows to look at the plane..... Oh Duh!!! She had been wanting to look at the plane.
Once she was at the window looking at the planes she was glued there! And she was much calmer after.
Once on the plane she went to sleep and stayed asleep for the whole flight.
Communication .... or the difficulty of ... is a real bugga. It would be so easy if she could just use a few more words ...... PLANE .... I want plane ..... I want to see the plane .... I want to look out the window
After landing she was really good .... customs were very slow and it was 1am before we got to the villa. Once there she was highly insistent that Brynn go to bed! She kept insisting that Brynn had to put her nightie on! I got past that by turning off the outside lights and closing the curtains.... she accepted that and was soon asleep.
Now it's 6:45am and we'll try to sleep in.
11am At 10 am she was ready for breakfast .... after one bath and one shower and two changes of clothes ..... but no way was breakfast at home acceptable! Brynn and Jo weren't up so I took Kaylia down to Gardenia for ..... 3 watermelon juices and 2 crispy bacon!
Now she's working out the first day blues with more clothes changes, lots of nighties, lots of dingle-dangles and now some DVD. We may try a foray to the DVD shop soon.
Now she's started the pool - shower routine ....
1:30 at Peek a Boo

Kaylia loved being at Peek a Boo again. It is such a good spot for her. Places like this in Oz won't let her in as she is too big for playing in this sort of area .... but here? She is accepted and the place adjusts to fit her difference.
It was clear that today she was checking out all the things she knows and re-establishing her routines. Tomorrow Brynn and Jo can take her to the beach (with sunscreen.) Today has been heavily overcast so the sunscreen wasn't needed.

After PAB, we went back to MacDonalds for another go .... and then in to Hypermart. The traffic was really bad on the way there and when we arrived, the gates were shut! Parking full! Made talked nicely to them and they let him in. Inside it was very busy and noisy .... there was a festival being held ..... we didn't stay long. Brynn found the Starbucks outside and achieved her aim of procuring a Bali Starbucks mug.
After we left Hypermart, we detoured through the new underpass. Made was hilarious ... pointing out that we could actually just keep on going back and forth through the underpass ..... I like it! Maybe another day. After that it was home ...... and now she's chilling in the pool.