Abort .... abort .... yes I'll have express VOA thankyou! ...... Zoom through passports and out to baggage. (wave to all the people waiting in the queues!) Sanggar was already collecting the bags and we were soon out the door! Phew!
Sanggar and I arrived at the villa at 12:30am to find that we had been locked out! The front door has a bolt in addition to the deadlock .... and Zoe had bolted the door. Fortunately I have more than one way to enter and I foiled her attempt to give us an uncomfortable night .... Bad Zoe!!! :-)
7:30am It's raining. Made told me that there were big rains for 4 hours yesterday so it looks like this is a wet March. Apart from being a bit cooler, it feels like January.
Night: The day had been full of maintenance and villa business matters .... so late afternoon we all went out to celebrate Zoe's birthday. We went over to Uluatu to see a Kecak dance. This is performed in an open theater approached along spectacular cliffs. I did a rough estimate of the audience .... well over 1,000 I think.
Zoe and Sanggar
The dance is performed without any instrumental background .... instead 60 men were chanting!
Listen .....
[video to be added]
Bali added to the show with a beautiful sunset.
After the dance we stopped at a spot that Made chose ... Mak Jo .... a seafood warung. It was very good. We had a special "candle" so we could sing happy birthday for Zoe.