4:00am ..... I think it's over. I woke up and realized that the pain was almost completely gone. I think that was the worst pain I've had to endure without IV type pain control. Last night I literally cried myself to sleep. If I keep up all the range of medications I have, it should stay under control today.
With Kaylia in 'happy mode' (touch wood), today should be good!
Another drama yesterday (as if we needed more!) was that the house water supply failed! On Thursday night, the noise of the pressure pump (constantly cycling at 10 second intervals) was hard to sleep through. The pump is right beside our bedroom window! From my farming days I knew that this was faulty so on Friday night, I turned the pump off. Come morning when I turned it on again, the pump no longer worked at all! .... so no water for showers or toilets! Fortunately an emergency SMS to Yudhi soon had a team of guys around and by late morning all was well.
Of course through all this Kaylia was happy to play in the pool! She had an anxiety attack about 10am but a session of the new "whispered chant" technique helped her through it . Naomi was off having her 'break time' while this was going on ..... When she returned from her valiant exploits, we headed off to Galleria and DONUTS! (The donuts there are very different and terribly more-ish!) Once this craving was satisfied it was back to the pool while Naomi once more gritted her teeth and went off to do battle with the shops again! This time it was a new one .... Biarritz ..... lots of beads for Kaylia and lots of inexpensive clothes for Kaylia.
While Naomi was away, I took Kaylia down the nearby lane to the beach .... Kaylia took one look at the sea and said "bathers!" .... so it was back home, change ... and back to the beach for a swim. It wasn't pleasant in the water .... too shallow and too much weed ... Kaylia wasn't impressed. Two local kids about the same age arrived ... towing a gi-normous old surfboard! They were having trouble getting it down to the water so I helped out .... soon we had Kaylia and the two boys all sitting on the board while I towed them along in the water! Great fun!
This was all yesterday .... What will today bring? ..... watch this space!
Later: .... dawn is a lovely time ... the birds singing and the sky changing colour .... The shades of pink are a delight.
I like this time 'cos I can write and think without having to manage Kaylia ... it's break time from the 24/7 task.
Evening: It's been a good day ... Naomi has had some good shopping experiences and she's very positive about Sanur & the villa setup. It's a wonderful way to arrange holiday breaks. It's inspiring us to make changes at home ... to de-clutter and simplify .... to prepare for the inevitable time that we move house.
Memorable moments? The "fish spa" at a nearby warung where you dunk your feet in a pond and little fish do a ticklish task of cleaning all the dead skin off!
Noisy donuts .... we went to Galleria and there was a public concert in full noisy swing .... at maximum volume! Too loud! We soon left!
Kaylia has been in a strange mood today ... not hard to handle but not normal. Maybe the antibiotics she is on are interacting with the other meds? The antibiotics finish tomorrow so if that's what it is, it will soon be back to normal.
Naomi is out shopping tonight.
I bought a whole carton of Indocafe sachets today .... 500! It should keep us supplied till we're next here (July).