Saturday, April 29, 2017

#1540 Saturday 29 April

8:30am.  Kaylia is asking to go somewhere .... "cra-ee-ya" .....what is it? Mystery.  I tried "Is it .....?" To no avail.  It's not beach, it's not shops, it's not playground .....

Couple her speech problems with my failing memory ... it gets difficult.

I spent the morning sawing logs into blocks ..... then splitting the blocks.... then using the tractor to cart the split firewood into shelter and stacking it.  The photo below shows the growing staçk.

Friday, April 28, 2017

#1539 Friday 28 April

Today I've been experimenting with constructing a tandoori oven .... this is version 1.

I found out last that I've made it upside down!  The principle is sound .... when it's rearranged it should work well.

Kaylia is very happy tonight.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

#1538 Thursday 27 April

This morning I heard a weather forecast for the coming winter ..... warmer and drier than last year.  It will be annoying if I needent have stocked up as much firewood! ..... but worrying in terms of climate change.

Kaylia is verging on a problem at present .... she is fixating on school .... she gets stuck in a loop and can't stop nagging about it.  We don't like squashing here enthusiasm but it has to happen to stop the problem getting really bad ... ie much worse than it already is.

Tonight she is quite tired so I hope that she will settle ..... last night she couldn't settle and at 9:30 I had to give her a stern telling off.  This is a rare event so she really took notice.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

#1537 Wednesday 26 April

SCHOOL!!! She was very happy.  On arrival, she raced out of the car and into school.... and after school she has been very contented.  During last night I had to sternly remind her that if she wanted to go to school, she had to sleep!!  Her expression as she thought this through was a delight.   She woke again at 12:30am and I had to work to get her settled again.

Now it's 6pm .... she's had stories .... and now she's singing and watching YouTube till it's time for Dr Daddy .... teeth cleaning .... and blue blanket ... all her night routines.

After last night, I was stuffed .... and after the car has departed for school,  I went back to bed .... I slept till midday.  In the afternoon it was firewood again.  I'm building up the supply for winter.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

#1536 Tuesday 25 April

4:00am. Awakened by a very happy Kaylia dancing round downstairs.  Wee run and remake the bed .... and she's straight back to sleep.   What's the lesson?  Probably that she wakes because of loose bedding ... try securing the bedding. It may not work because she likes to tangle herself..... but it's worth a try.

It's now 4:30 and there's still no noise .... so I can relax and try sleeping again.

Afternoon 3pm
After a late start ... read "sleep in" .... we spent the morning moving furniture between offices. I think that task is nearly complete.
Then it was home for a rest .... then bath time for K .... while I went outside to gather 'burnables' on the bonfire .... then some splitting! Gee that machine is great.  The house will be warm this winter.

While I'm out at the BBQ, K is watching 'Big Bear's on DVD .... for her it's a flashback.  She is getting very excited about going to school tomorrow!

Sunday, April 23, 2017

#1535 Sunday 23 April

Up at 6 .... into the bath at 7:30 .... out at 9:30 ..... breakfast ..... car to Aunty Maxine .... the day is all mapped out and Kaylia's world is well.  She's very happy.

A good thing about her happiness is that it's contagious!  It's hard to feel sad when she is so deliriously happy.

It's been a good day .... after coming home, Kaylia headed for the bath again .... the third for today ..... and I went out and moved a couple of tons of firewood!  (with the tractor) The pile that came last week is now down below ... it's within reach of our new logsplitter.

This wonderful machine arrived last week.  It has a massively powerful 'hammer' that takes about 2 seconds to split each block of wood. The current wood supply is "redgum" and it's very hard.  Having this splitter means that I can still produce firewood despite being an old codger.