For Kaylia it is a shop day .... she has Lee helping her perform the tasks for her "Curve Style" clothing shop. (With this, clothes are advertised on eBay and when people purchase items, the item is parcelled up and mailed to the buyer.)
This week is the verge collection day for our area and I have been using Bob to cart loads of unwanted stuff up to the street verge. Yesterday we did too much! By evening I was worn out. It's very good to have Bob for this. Even though he can't be used on the road he's still very useful for such tasks.
I have a regular problem that I call "putsie downsie" ..... I put something down and then I can't remember where it is. In the shed I'm trying to develop a habit of putting tools away after a task is complete ... but this week? I have a set of special ratchet spanners that came on my birthday......
... the beauty of these is that each end has two sizes! So it reduces the searching for the right spanner.
..... but I've put one of the set down somewhere ....... and since then I have searched just about everywhere but I can't find it. Grrr!
Saw this online and it reminds me .... and inspires ....