I'm sitting in an upstairs coffee shop across the street from Hardys.... the trip has been eventful so far. The flight up was marred by an incident in which an elderly passenger.... who clearly looked mentally challenged.... was alleged by a loud mouthed Brit to have videoed his children. It was unpleasant.
Yesterday was rest time ... and then I realised that I had failed to pack the box containing my medications! Disaster!
Today I can feel the effect of the absence of the medication and I'm trying to get a copy of the prescriptions via email so I can see if I can get them locally. If that doesn't work I'd have to either "grin and bear it".... or maybe see if I can change flights to go home early. We'll see.
On my daily trip to the DVD shop, I explained that I copied the DVDs onto my computer..... and found out that the shop will do that for me! I give them a USB and they will rip them for me! Great!
Medication problem solved.... I remembered that I had list stored in my records..... took the list to the apotek.... and hey presto! Medicine as needed.

Now it's time to relax a bit. Today I've been teaching the staff how to adjust the sliding doors. The doors gradually sag and become difficult to open..... so adjustments are needed. It's quite simple but the staff need to be taught the little techniques that make the task easier.
Now it's 5pm and I'm having tea at Gardenia.
I like the way that many of the people we deal with remember Kaylia and look forward to seeing her again.