Saturday, August 26, 2017

#1634 Saturday 26 August

Happy birthday to Chris! 

Today was largely showing B+S the surrounding attractions ... we did the drive round the Mundaring Weir and then to Kalamunda and the zig-zag road.

It's interesting to be introducing someone new to Kaylia.... explaining all her strange ways.... remembering the things we have been through to get to this point.

Friday, August 25, 2017

#1633 Friday 25 August

Yay ..... they're staying!  Our new family members are Bonita 24 and Sverrin 25 .... from the Netherlands.  Sverrin is a very skilled videographer and he has videos of their travels so far.  I am impressed with the results ......  and he has been challenged to create a video about Kaylia in their time with us.

Last night Naomi and Kaylia put on a show for us .... all unaware!  During story time, we gathered round the bedroom door to listen in on the stories .... Kaylia is participating really, really well.  She is making amazing progress in her speaking and reciting.  I must record it for you .....

Thursday, August 24, 2017

#1632 Thursday 24 August

You know, all in all we are very fortunate to have such a happy pleasant teenager!  Perhaps she will change as the hormones go on .... but for now she is a delight.  The teachers at school say so too.

Yesterday I planned to start cooking tea at 5pm .... and at that time she 'arced up' ..... after a short time of attempting to "handle" her ..... and cook at the same time, I gave up and stopped cooking.  I've gone past the stage of being able to do both.  We went and bought Subway.

We have visitors arriving this afternoon .... possible new aupairs!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

#1631 Wednesday 23 August

Kaylia has had a good day..... after a night where she slept right through!  Yay! 
This morning when we got into the car, she asked for "pink iphone" ...... Where is it?  .... we're trying to get her to look after it.   Anyway we couldn't find it and we went off to school without it.  When we got home this afternoon, she insisted that it was under the car seat..... and so it was! 

Forgive ... this is Kaylia's story .... but in a real way, these words are part of Kaylia's story.  I don't often "stand on my sop-box" but these words are so true.

Stan Grant wrote today:
Who would have thought the mere suggestion that Captain Cook did not in fact discover Australia would be so controversial?
It seems to have taken some people by surprise, the idea that people were here for more than 60,000 years before the Endeavour dropped anchor.
What were we doing all that time, just waiting for white people to find us?
And to dare challenge this "discovery"; how impertinent. I can hear someone saying "know your place".
It has certainly ignited a debate and that is a good thing. History is not dead, it is not past or redundant, it is alive in all of us: we are history.
Responding to the tearing down of racist monuments in the United States prompted me to ask questions about our history; the story we choose to tell ourselves.
And it is a choice. The French historian Michel De Certeau wrote of history as the writing of absence — a therapeutic exercise that fills in the gaps, that allows us to construct a story that suits our ends like artefacts arranged in a shopfront window.

An empty land with an empty past?

Where the Americans appear consumed by race, we prefer silence.
There is a history in Australia of not wanting to talk about the darker parts of our shared past.
It is written in our DNA, it is buried in the soil.
When a nation is founded on a doctrine of terra nullius — literally empty land — then it becomes too easy to ignore the people of that emptiness.
We don't have to reckon with the treatment of Aboriginal people because they are invisible. Indigenous people become a postscript to Australian history.
History itself becomes a hymn to whiteness
This is what Captain Cook's statue in Sydney's Hyde Park tells us.
The inscription that Cook "Discovered this territory 1770" maintains a damaging myth, a belief in the superiority of white Christendom that devastated Indigenous peoples everywhere.
Where does it come from? In 1452 Pope Nicholas V sanctioned the conquest, colonisation and exploitation of all non-Christian peoples.
In 1493 after Christopher Columbus returned from his so-called discovery of America, Pope Alexander VI decreed that land not ruled by Christian kings was free to be claimed.

No-one mattered until a white man arrived!

The idea of terra nullius was the law of whiteness, that anyone who did not worship Jesus Christ was less than human.
The doctrines of discovery and terra nullius have been demolished by the church, by our courts, by the United Nations.
The UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues says the Discovery doctrine is the "foundation of the violation of their (Indigenous people) human rights".
How in Australia do we maintain the ceremonial fig leaf of welcomes to country while a statue stands in the centre of our largest city proclaiming to the world that no one here mattered until a white person "discovered" the land?
That is the problem with Australia, a land of gestures and tokens with no substantial recognition of Indigenous peoples and our history, no treaties (the only Commonwealth country without one) and now a go-slow on constitutional reform that would give Indigenous peoples a voice in our founding document that was originally written to exclude us.
Earlier this month I attended the Garma festival and Indigenous forum for political, business, industry and cultural leaders on Yolngu country in northeast Arnhem Land.
 this land, connecting us to a deep past.
These are words for all of us.
My father has dedicated his life to saving and reviving our language — Wiradjuri — a language his grandfather was jailed for speaking.
Language, he says, does not tell you who you are, but where you are.
This is our heritage, all of us: Australians.
We cheat ourselves when we deny or diminish this rich history.
I want to believe in us as Australians. This is in so many ways an extraordinary country.

Cook is part of my story

I want to believe in "we" not "us and them". But we means all of us.

Captain Cook is part of my story; an extraordinary seaman and navigator.

The songlines, dreaming and language of the first peoples should be cherished by all of us.
To non-Indigenous people I say that tradition is part of your heritage. That's what Galarrwuy Yunupingu means; that's my father's dream.
Australia is founded on three grand stories: the First Nations, the British tradition and the richness of our migration story.
But it starts with us. We are not invisible.
Our frontier resistance warriors deserve a place on the war memorial wall of remembrance.
I should not have to cross a river named in honour of a man who wanted us exterminated.
This is not 1770 or 1901. This is not the first fleet or federation. This is 2017.
We have a voice, our lives matter.
After all, we discovered this country.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

#1630 Tuesday 22 August

Another unsettled night.... Kaylia woke at around 2am and I decided.... a mistake..... to see if she could settle herself.  By 3:30 she was still noisy and Naomi was awake too!  So I went down and as soon as I was insisting "no talking,.... no moving" she curled up and went to sleep.  Without the external reminder, she sort of jiggles and wiggles around and talks to herself....  and so she stays awake.

We had a teacher parent meeting at school today... about an issue that has arisen.  The issue is an ongoing one that has been around for yonks.... and that is not going to disappear in a hurry!  Fortunately the school staff are excellent and are well able to help.

A beaut thing we heard was that Kaylia has been able to "do" Greensheep to her class!  This is a huge achievement for her.... and a big pat on the back to Naomi for creating an environment where Kaylia can thrive in this way.

No further news on the aupair front.

2:30pm  I'm at school waiting for Kaylia.... a funny thing happened on the way.  It's kerbside rubbish collection time and I spotted a chainsaw on the kerb! I thought to myself.... "Ooo.... I'll have that one!".... so I stopped.... and immediately I heard a guy working a few metres away.  I went and found him and asked if the saw was in fact a freebie .... "No way" says he!   The kerb collection hadn't occurred to him and he immediately removed the saw!

Monday, August 21, 2017

#1629 Monday 21 August

We meet a possible new aupair this afternoon.... I hope it works out.

Later  ..... No I doubt it.  I don't think we met her requirements.  Kaylia was very excited....

Sunday, August 20, 2017

#1628 Sunday 20 August

A variation on the routine today.... Yay!  We went down to Midland and kept Naomi company while the offices were cleaned.  In the recent past, the aupair couple has undertaken the cleaning role.... so we don't want to take a "normal" cleaner yet.... we want to keep that option open.  The most likely aupair currently is a single woman and if we go down that path then we will employ a cleaner separately.

Kaylia is fixated on one song at the moment.... Say "Breaking down"  ....