Friday, March 2, 2018

#1776 Friday 2 March

Oops..... It's been a few days since the blog has been updated....  Kaylia has continued in her happy way and the days just seem to slide past.

I've been working with Harry on the last phase of the room move... tidying up the area where the room used to be,  adding another row of supports....
The whole room project still has further to go.... I plan to enclose the area between the room and the house.  This will take a while and there's no great rush now.

Kaylia is a bit "put out" that she doesn't have any school on Monday.... it's going to be a public holiday and that really messes with her world.

Monday, February 26, 2018

#1775 Monday 26 February

Today Kaylia's class walked to the local shopping centre .... the purpose was to reinforce road skills and then to compare items in the shops to determine the best value.

This photo is of Kaylia and her friends before they set off.

One of the great values of Kaylia's time at school is the social contact she has.  The members of the group have become strong friends and there is a real bond between them.

Kaylia still has a few more years at school and we will have to do all we can to allow her to keep in contact with her friends.

Here she is using the self-service terminal to pay for the snack (Choc chip biscuits) that she has bought. 

I reckon that this is a very useful skill!

Sunday, February 25, 2018

#1774 Sunday 25 February

Not much to report today..... except that we have a very happy Kaylia!  It's so good.

Somewhere along the road recently she picked up the habit of asking for affirmation after most of her actions....  she finishes a glass of water?  Good girl! She swallows a tablet?  Good girl!..... Everything she does she wants praise.   This can get tedious but it's still good progress.

Tonight the dreaded constipation has struck again.  We've had about a 6 month holiday from this.... but now it's back.