What a busy day! It was the school sports carnival and I went along .... Naomi missed out as she was working. I watched Kaylia come third in a running race ..... somewhere in the day she was able to score a 1st, 2nd, 3rd and a 4th ribbon! She needed help to participate (thanks Zeta) but she was right in there ..... she is not able to do it on her own yet but I feel as though it is within reach for her to be able to be 'age appropriate'. 'On ya Kaylee!We had a review meeting at school yesterday ... very satisfying .... the school is doing such a good job with her ... plans are being made for kaylia's transition from year one to year two. It should be a good start to the next year. The iPad (not iPod) is proving to be really valuable as a teaching tool for Kaylia .... we're planning to get another iPad which will stay at school to help her in class.This week I've started a new thing in therapy .... I have trouble remembering how to do the therapy exercises ... so I made a 1 minute video of the exercise and then put it on the iPad ... this worked really well and we are now planning to build a 'library' of videos of therapy exercises. We started this today .... and ran up against a baffling situation where Kaylia just couldn't do an exercise ... one where she has succeeded many times in the past. The video I made may be useful in her monthly review next Friday .... to help her psychologist to work out what is happening.Naomi & I have decided on a new tactic to force ourselves to have a break .... we are each going on a solo holiday! Since Jetstar are having a sale, I've booked a very cheap flight to Bali next February. Naomi will do the same ... so we will both have a break.
Sometimes I think to myself that I'm probably writing this blog just for myself ... then someone makes a comment about reading it and it is all worth while! Maybe Kaylia will value it herself in future years .... very few people have a detailed record of a part of their childhood life. I have so many memories of my own childhood - very detailed memories!..... but there is nothing written at all .... we have a few photos but there's not much written down which can add credibility to my memories. In contrast, Kaylia will have so much! She has thousands (1,643 at least) of photos, lots of video .... she has this blog .... she has all the therapy records (written & video) .... not to mention all the travel photos! So far she has been overseas 6 times .... when she has the iPad, she nearly always spends some time looking through the travel p
hotos of the trips she has shared. She is still addicted to shopping at the Two Buck shop and she is working hard for her rewards! ... though it didn't work last night and she gave me a bad night .... awake from 2 to 5am! She also loves the 'Wiggles Roundabout' at the shopping centre .....Yesterday we visited her paediatritian and as a result we're going to try adding ADHD medication to the mix ..... partly to control ADHD type behaviours (which have become evident now that the 'mask' of stimming is reduced ...... but mainly because a side effect of this type of drug is loss of appetite. She badly needs help to control the ravenous hunger which comes from the drug which is controlling the stimming. Her weight has increased by 25% since January and this has become a serious problem.
The tenth of the tenth of the tenth!This morning we took Kaylia to the movies - this was her third time ... once with school and twice with us. We saw "Cats & Dogs" and she really enjoyed it. She was scared by the 3D effects and took the glasses off for most of the film ... but she was very excited by it all. She had some pop-corn and she lasted for most of it ... but then she just tipped the box over herself!!It was a good morning.Her reward system for sleeping is still going well. We've incorporated a money reward component into the therapy sessions and she digs that! She loves the trips to the Two Buck shop!