Saturday, May 25, 2013

#923 Saturday 25 May

Routine is critical.   A "social story" may help cope with a break in routine .... but this morning it didn't!   From 7:30 to 10:00 she was a nightmare of nagging .... wanting things that weren't possible and not accepting things that were presented as possible.   If it weren't so soon after breakfast I'd say that she had missed her Lovan!
At 10:00 Brynn took over and I could try to recover.  Cut firewood.

Apparently she was fine with Brynn at   Whiteman Park and in the car .... but she started again when she got home.  Naomi reminded me that it's the full moon again .... no wonder that she's being difficult.

Aunty Maxine's is the current favourite!   Either there or the office.  At this moment we're in the "little office" .. the office at home.   She packed a bag with an assortment of toys and brought them out here.  The "toy of choice" at the moment is a length of flexible hose .... a vacuum cleaner part I think.  She loves it.

Friday, May 24, 2013

#922 Friday 24 May

Help! I'm surrounded by arachnaphobes!
As you know,  we like our resident 'Huntsman' spiders ..... and we name them .... and if they are in the wrong place we gently remove them to a happier spot.   But at the Midland office we have some people who really need to consult a psychologist!  They are really frightened of our useful furry friends.... 
....and at home Brynn is an arachno-murderer!  This afternoon she killed one!

Kaylia has had a good day despite being all blocked up with a head cold.   This afternoon she had a long session in the office at home ..... she loves being out there and Brynn says she was doing lots of "... happy!" We know that she is happy when she does this.

I had a special moment the other day ....
As you know, displays of affection .... or emotion .... from an "auty one" are rare.  And Kaylia is no different .... but on Wednesday she just came up to me and gave me a big hug!  It was so good!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

#921 Thursday 23 May

Dentist!!   She was so eager .... quivering with excitement ..... and then it was over so quickly.  This visit was at our local dentist instead of the paediatric dentist she usually goes to.  She has six monthly visits to that one so the idea is to have an extra 'treat' in between the real visits.  Hopefully we can persuade the dentist to take longer!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

#920 Wednesday 22 May

She slept downstairs in her own bed last night!  ..... well for most of the night anyway.   It's progress.

She has a slight cough today .... I hope it doesn't worsen.

It's very good to have Naomi home again.  Her trip to Bali was worthwhile .... she sees different things that need doing in the villa .... and of course she's much better at fixing those things than I am.  When Naomi finishes her university commitment, she will be able to share the maintenance trips with me.  I won't object .... the maintenance is hard work and the pleasurable aspects are 'wearing thin'.

At 5pm, Kaylia is in the shower.  It's part of her routine and it's very calming for her.  She sings her head off ..... she stays under the shower for a few minutes .... then she turns the water off, walks out, turns around and goes back into the shower.  She might stand and 'flap' for a few minutes and then she repeats the sequence.  This will continue as long as we allow!  Usually 15 minutes or so.

#919 Tuesday 21 May

It was time for another review of her therapy program today ...... it went really well. I feel as though it was one of the best review sessions we've ever had .... it was productive .... positive .... with many good ideas to fine tune her therapy.  Kaylia has come such a long way since she began therapy.  She works so hard.
She's using "animal nose" masks .... this is interesting as it shows a level of imagination being used.  There's no sensory benefit to her use of the mask .... her pleasure must come from imagining.

Monday, May 20, 2013

#918 Monday 20 May

It's been a good day ..... Kaylia's cheerful weekend has carried over into therapy ... the session this afternoon was productive and rewarding.  It's really good to so so many signs of progress.

As I write Naomi is packing up in the villa getting ready to go to the airport.  Her flight arrives in Perth at 4:10am! It will be good to have her home again.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

#917 Sunday 19 May

The program for today is b.... breakfast followed by "Aunty Moo's" ..... with some office time on the way home.  I'll try to remember to take the spare printer with me so it can be installed in the Midland office.

3:30pm. Well! ..... it's been an amazingly good day.   Kaylia had her usual good time at Aunty Moo's .... then at 11 we went to Aunty Maxine's again.  Kaylia just played there for 3 hours .... she was very happy.  Then it was back to Midland for Nandos (early tea) and now we're at the office where she's dancing and singing.

The headphones are a hit!  She likes using them.