Saturday, April 26, 2014

#877 Saturday 26 April

It's 11:30pm and her bed is sopping.  She had so much time in the water today that she must have soaked the water up like a sponge .... then at bed time I was almost comatose and I missed the normal "wee runs" .... it's actually raining outside so our world is wet inside and out!

Today has been overcast and cool ... but that didn't stop her!  She still spent hours under the hose.   Amazing.

Friday, April 25, 2014

#876 Friday 25 April

Today ... as well as being a day of fun for Kaylia ..... has been a sort of farewell day for Chris and Lara .... they're off on Tuesday to start their trip round Oz in a camper.

We started with a wall plaque to recognise the sterling effort that Chris has put into the house painting.
Then after tea we presented their "emergency ration pack" for their big trip.
This was after our farewell meal of "Lil Ceasar Pizzas"..... with Kaylia's special chocolate pizza.

........... and New York pecan pizza ....

Thursday, April 24, 2014

#875 Thursday 24 April

The last few days have zoomed past .... and the blog just didn't happen!  It was probably the shock of working again after the Easter break.

This morning Kaylia just hasn't stopped giggling!  She started at about 6am and by 8am she was still going .... she is very happy.    Her early years were so bad .... maybe her mind is giggling with relief that all the bad times seem to be past?  I hope so. 

3pm. It's haircutting time!
We've found Lynette who comes to the house to give her a trim.  It's always a big task to get Kaylia to sit still long enough!

Monday, April 21, 2014

#874 Monday 21 April

Kat arrived last night and she's settling in.  This morning Kaylia is on her usual routine for Sunday ..... that way she still gets her fix of Aunty Moo and she feels that her world is all OK.

Transition is going well so far.  Kaylia has been very happy today.  She still has times where we need to help her manage her anxiety .... but more and more it's that .... we help her to manage herself.  It's a case of being aware of the triggers (noise, hunger, pain etc) and being prepared to support her when she needs it.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

#873 Sunday 20 April

4:30am Kaylia is wide awake ... playing on her iPad ..... she was very tired last night and she was asleep a bit earlier so the consequence is that she's awake early.

Today we will have breakfast (pancakes!) .... then pack up and check out.  We'll probably have another look at the rock before heading home again.

Kathi arrives tonight at about midnight and another cycle begins.   She will be Number 17.

5:53am. The b#%^#} neighbors have started a party!  What a racket! .... Oh sorry ... it's not the neighbors at all .... It's Chris and Lara holding a family discussion about how to get up before dawn to see the sunrise on the rock.
6:12am. They've gone! Sheesh!  Germany must be a noisy place!
3pm. Home again after a smooth trip.  as we approached home we asked Kaylia where we were going .... "Hose!"  she says.  She is totally focused on water experiences.