Saturday, October 5, 2013

#701 Saturday 5 October

It was a good night ... we slept really well.  So well that the alarm that I set for 11:30pm (for a wee run) had been going for 8 minutes before it woke me!  I was dreaming of an alarm .... and then woke.  It only woke me .... Kaylia sleeps though anything.

This morning she's off at Whiteman Park with Jo while I catch up on the work that didn't happen yesterday.

1pm. She's back .... clearly excited with her morning.  Now it's "ball pit" time.

Friday, October 4, 2013

#700 Friday 4 October

The first week is nearly over ..... the school holidays are such hard work!  During school term it's as though we have 6 hours of respite every day.  It's terrible to think about it that way .....

No matter how delightful Kaylia can be, she is still hard work.  ..... even when she's being delightful.  These days she sometimes has little blocks of time where she "entertains herself" and we can heave a sigh of relief and relax for a bit.  It's the old issue of no imagination .... she relies on us to keep her mind occupied.  The reason she love car drives maybe the constantly changing view that fuels her mind.

...... and that may be related to the amazing sense of spatial location she has.  She always knows where she is!  Yesterday on our car drive we did a big circuit and at one point she says "Aunty Moo's" ..... we were about 1km from there.  Despite driving on roads that she possibly has never been on, she still knew where she was.  I will have to start teaching her about how to read maps!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

#699 Thursday 3 October

Now that Naomi has finished her uni practicum, she has a little more time flexibility .... so we all went out for the day!  Kaylia had her sights set on Aunty Max's ... so we went that way .... and dropped Naomi at the shops.  Kaylia was happy to be at Maxine's .... she checked out all the remembered features in the house and then just flopped on the couch with me. She seems to need reassurance that "all is right in her world".

After some chill out time we headed back to collect Naomi .... who had had a good time too.

Then it was time to head home.  Jo took over for the afternoon shift ..... swimming!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

#698 Wednesday 2 October

You can't win!   Yesterday we plied her with quantities of liquid as part of the battle against dehydration and constipation .... then she wets the bed!  .... and that was after two very successful wee trips during the night.   Sheesh!

Speaking of water .... this photo is of the spillway at Mundaring Weir and it is clear that no water has run for many many years.  When I was Kaylia's age .... about 50 years ago .... I stood on this spot and watched the overflow raging down this spillway.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

#697 Tuesday 1 October

October already .....

Kaylia has had a good night.  She has hardly stirred all night and at 7am, she's still fast asleep.  Usually she has moved over to have some snuggle time ... Not this morning.  

2pm. I think I ran her ragged this morning .... by midday she was asking to go home and have a rest!

We'd been to the Mundaring Weir .... walked across and back .... then went up to the south edge lookout.  It's a 300m walk up and down steps from the car park to the lookout .... she was feeling the effect of the walk  so we will have to do more!

Monday, September 30, 2013

#696 Monday 30 September

Lazy morning .... sleeping in on a "little holiday".  It's a public holiday so the biggies don't have to work.  It's very nice.

.... and speaking of nice .... the wisteria is blooming.

We have two categories of holiday so that Kaylia can manage her expectations .... little holidays ... when we stay home and do local things ... and big holidays .... when we go to the villa inBali.

Today we went to Aunty Stana's.

Actually .... as soon as we woke, Kaylia says "Aunty Stana" .... there's no mistaking her priorities!

Stana has a water fountain in the corner ... and this had Kaylia entranced!  The morning was "water .... TV ..... bath ..... water". And so on.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

#695 Sunday 29 September

She is being a delight again .... it's very dangerous!  She's lulled us into a sense of comfort and expectation that all will be well ..... something is bound to go bung  ... I can feel it!

This morning it was Aunty Moo's  .... followed by Aunty Maxine.  Her reaction when we arrive at each place is that of comfort ..... she can relax because all is well and her routines are working.  I can't really complain ....  this routine is functional for her.  She is very happy.

While at Maxine's. it was time for a belated birthday gift for me ..... a fascinating little block of highly magnnetised smaller blocks ..... the idea is to move them round to make shapes.  Kaylia immediately made this very interesting shape.