I've seen a few comments in the Christmas communications saying that this blog is valued ..... I had been feeling that my efforts were not being seen so perhaps I'm wrong - I shall put more effort in to the task.
It's school holidays of course and Kaylia gets a lot of op shop trips .... and lots of DVDs. Her "wall" of DVDs in her room is huge. Yesterday I heard a great crash as part of the collection fell over.
For the blokes ..... an update on the Land Rover project. It has become a mystery as I've found some intriguing aspects as I work on it.... it's clear that at some point in the vehicle's past, it has had a huge amount of work done on it. The chassis is actually galvanised! This is not normally done ... so it means that the vehicle was completely stripped so that the work could be done. It was then reassembled with many extras and a high level of care. Then it must have changed owners - and the new owner just left it out in the weather to deteriorate. I'm finding that most parts are in very good condition ..... just 'frozen' from not being used.
So far I've stripped the rear chassis and brakes. The chassis is being repainted where it is visible and the brakes are being completely renewed - new lines and cylinders. (Waiting for parts to arrive so this can be completed.)
The engine (a Holden conversion) is close to being able to start. When parts arrive it will have new water pump, reconditioned carby (it's a double barrel Stromberg), new exhaust, new radiator.
My aim is to get it to a driveable state .... and then see if I can sell it. (WHAT! I hear you say. Why?)
This project is taking second place to my newer vehicle.... I found a 1988 Range Rover that has been rebuilt with a 1970 Series 2A Land Rover body. It is largely complete and it should be road registered in a few weeks. "Bob the Beast" is in the workshop being tuned up atm.... then it will be inspected for rego.
This vehicle is amazing .... the guy that had the project had done a beautiful job. I will be very proud to own it. I find it hard to understand why he put so much work into the project .... and then just sold it. I won't complain though.