Yay! Sally's back! A very selfish reason I know .... but this means that life will be a lot less stressfull for me.
My little project is going well .... if you look to the right hand side of this page, you'll see a link to the index .... it works! From the index, you can jump to any of the blogs.
What about Kaylia? (I hear you ask!)
She's 'gorgeous as usual' ..... but I'm highly biased! At present she is mostly happy but with lapses into anxiety mode where her coping strategy is to have car time .... unfortunately she doesn't know how to politely ask for a car ride ..... she nags! ..... and nags! .... and nags!
She needs immediate results .... and she thinks that if she nags, she'll get it. We give her "3 strikes ... off to your room" and she gets quite disgusted when the countdown starts! She thinks "I may as well count for myself and go off to my room." ..... and she does!
The dilema we face is finding a balance between meeting her needs ... while at the same time, we cannot let her learn that she can have everything she wants!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Friday, May 6, 2011
#248 Friday 6 May 2011
Sally comes back tonight. She's been home to NZ for her uni graduation .... doesn't she look good! Well done Sally!

Kaylia's first day back at school went well yesterday. She is very obviously happy to be back in the classroom ..... pacing round in excitement, hands flapping, great big grin!
It's the quiet time between breakfast and leaving for school at this moment .... Kaylia has so many of my likes & dislikes ..... she loves the Indocafe coffee that I bring home from Bali (.... I hear a collective gasp from the audience! ..... but all is well .... I like this coffee because it is so weak. As such, it won't do her any harm.) The strange thing is that I like it cold .... and so does she! She's just polished off a cup left around unfinished!
The new project (that I mentioned a couple of days ago) is going well. This is a few new blogs .... one for each of our notable trips .... and an "index blog" that is a list of the blogs and has links to the blogs. The address for this index is at the top of each blog in the current format ... but I'm working on a "widget" that will put a button on screen .... touch the button to take you to the other blogs.
6pm. I had a WOW!! moment this afternoon ... I'd stopped for shopping and saw a TF MG (post WW2 car) coming toward me. As usual I ogled my favorite car .... then I saw the number plate .. "LECTRIC"!! Sho nuff ... it had been converted to fully electric! Fabulous! I had a good natter with the owner. The purists would moan & wail at the sacrilege ... but I think it's great!
Kaylia's first day back at school went well yesterday. She is very obviously happy to be back in the classroom ..... pacing round in excitement, hands flapping, great big grin!
It's the quiet time between breakfast and leaving for school at this moment .... Kaylia has so many of my likes & dislikes ..... she loves the Indocafe coffee that I bring home from Bali (.... I hear a collective gasp from the audience! ..... but all is well .... I like this coffee because it is so weak. As such, it won't do her any harm.) The strange thing is that I like it cold .... and so does she! She's just polished off a cup left around unfinished!
The new project (that I mentioned a couple of days ago) is going well. This is a few new blogs .... one for each of our notable trips .... and an "index blog" that is a list of the blogs and has links to the blogs. The address for this index is at the top of each blog in the current format ... but I'm working on a "widget" that will put a button on screen .... touch the button to take you to the other blogs.
6pm. I had a WOW!! moment this afternoon ... I'd stopped for shopping and saw a TF MG (post WW2 car) coming toward me. As usual I ogled my favorite car .... then I saw the number plate .. "LECTRIC"!! Sho nuff ... it had been converted to fully electric! Fabulous! I had a good natter with the owner. The purists would moan & wail at the sacrilege ... but I think it's great!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
#247 Thursday 5 May 2011
Back to school today! (Phew ... I made it!)
Yesterday was a very good day for Kaylia. She's learnt to express her feelings and twice during the day I heard her saying ".... happy!" while she was dancing around. Since the context was appropriate and her facial expressions and activity all fitted, I think she was genuinely saying that she was feeling happy. For us this is very satisfying and reassuring. It means that she is coping with her world, building resilience and good memories. It also confirms that we've got the medication mix right. It's good!
We noticed another thing yesterday .... For a long time Kaylia has been very disturbed by Teddy's barking. She covers her ears and hides when he starts barking. Yesterday I noticed a change .... when Teddy barked I heard her making a certain sound ... this was repeated several times during barking episodes and I realized that she was barking too! She wasn't cowering or being frightened the way she usually is ... she was accepting the noise! This is a big step.
Yesterday was a very good day for Kaylia. She's learnt to express her feelings and twice during the day I heard her saying ".... happy!" while she was dancing around. Since the context was appropriate and her facial expressions and activity all fitted, I think she was genuinely saying that she was feeling happy. For us this is very satisfying and reassuring. It means that she is coping with her world, building resilience and good memories. It also confirms that we've got the medication mix right. It's good!
We noticed another thing yesterday .... For a long time Kaylia has been very disturbed by Teddy's barking. She covers her ears and hides when he starts barking. Yesterday I noticed a change .... when Teddy barked I heard her making a certain sound ... this was repeated several times during barking episodes and I realized that she was barking too! She wasn't cowering or being frightened the way she usually is ... she was accepting the noise! This is a big step.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
#246 Wednesday 4 May 2011
Why do I "blog"? (I almost wrote "we" because it feels like a joint effort much of the time.)
The over-riding reason is for emotional support in our caring role for Kaylia ... that's how it began.... But as time has passed, other reasons have grown.
- Enjoyment ... you'll notice that when the blog began, entries were infrequent and irregular... Sometimes weeks would pass. Now it's a daily habit. I watch the day unfold and note things that are "blog fodder". I enjoy the feeling of "talking" to you ... even if the replies are faint!
- History. This blog will be a wonderful record for Kaylia through her life. When I was Kaylia's age, my father took photos and some movies .... these are the only "memory joggers" that I have .... but Kaylia will have a detailed reminder of this time of her life. This is a strong motivator for me to keep the blog alive!
- Our records. I often find myself checking back through the blog to find when such & such happened ....
- Personal diary. In the past I've kept a diary when traveling .... This blog has become a diary of our trip through this part of life... but it occurs to me that "blogging" is also a good format for the past trip diaries. They're quite good reading and others may enjoy reading them too. Watch for links to other blogs! I think these appear at the top right.
The over-riding reason is for emotional support in our caring role for Kaylia ... that's how it began.... But as time has passed, other reasons have grown.
- Enjoyment ... you'll notice that when the blog began, entries were infrequent and irregular... Sometimes weeks would pass. Now it's a daily habit. I watch the day unfold and note things that are "blog fodder". I enjoy the feeling of "talking" to you ... even if the replies are faint!
- History. This blog will be a wonderful record for Kaylia through her life. When I was Kaylia's age, my father took photos and some movies .... these are the only "memory joggers" that I have .... but Kaylia will have a detailed reminder of this time of her life. This is a strong motivator for me to keep the blog alive!
- Our records. I often find myself checking back through the blog to find when such & such happened ....
- Personal diary. In the past I've kept a diary when traveling .... This blog has become a diary of our trip through this part of life... but it occurs to me that "blogging" is also a good format for the past trip diaries. They're quite good reading and others may enjoy reading them too. Watch for links to other blogs! I think these appear at the top right.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
#245 Tuesday 3 May 2011
The photos of "nappies" has taken an interesting turn .... she now likes to look at the photos! I took the photos just for the blog but now Kaylia keeps asking to see the photos! So it's not the physical presence of the objects ... the visual reminder is also valued.
One more day till school starts again. I was remembering the past week and realizing that I've had about 2 or 3 hours break from K in the past 7 days! This is a statement about how hard Naomi has been working .... and about our role reversal!
One more day till school starts again. I was remembering the past week and realizing that I've had about 2 or 3 hours break from K in the past 7 days! This is a statement about how hard Naomi has been working .... and about our role reversal!
Monday, May 2, 2011
#244 Monday 2 May 2011
Hello everyone!
(This opening is prompted by receiving an email from Zoe .... which included some thoughts from Zoe's mum. It reminded me that you're all out there and we have some people who're lending us strength.)
The link (which had been forwarded) was to a report on writings by ... and for ... children with autism. It portrayed sufferers as able to write and talk and communicate .... just with some odd behaviors. It made cry to think of the difference between that picture and the reality that many of us face.
... and the damage being done by that journalist! Many readers would finish the article and think "Is that what autism is like! It's not that bad ... "

Yesterday .... while on their Kaylee & Mummy shopping trip .... Kaylia spotted the racks of DVDs for sale. She headed straight for it and scanned the items till she spotted one she didn't already have! (she's good!). We now have a new Wiggles dance DVD and she is happy. She can entertain herself for a long time when the right 'tools' are present ... she listens ... dances .... sings along.... and we get a chance for some time for ourselves.
Naomi has been doing magnificent things .... she has a large uni assignment due in today and it is all completed!
Another facet of Kaylia for you ... when we go grocery shopping, she always wants to spend some time in the aisle of baby products .... nappies, creams, etc. She examines particular items which used to be part of her world .... and then stands and flaps at them. Once the routine is over she can get on with the rest of the shopping ... but she must have "nappie time"!

Later: We're home again after a frustrating car trip ..... she was quite clear that she wanted to go to Ikea ("balls, balls") .... We drove all the way over there, parked the car .... and she would NOT get out of the car and wanted go home! Sheesh!!
.... so home we went.
(This opening is prompted by receiving an email from Zoe .... which included some thoughts from Zoe's mum. It reminded me that you're all out there and we have some people who're lending us strength.)
The link (which had been forwarded) was to a report on writings by ... and for ... children with autism. It portrayed sufferers as able to write and talk and communicate .... just with some odd behaviors. It made cry to think of the difference between that picture and the reality that many of us face.
... and the damage being done by that journalist! Many readers would finish the article and think "Is that what autism is like! It's not that bad ... "
Yesterday .... while on their Kaylee & Mummy shopping trip .... Kaylia spotted the racks of DVDs for sale. She headed straight for it and scanned the items till she spotted one she didn't already have! (she's good!). We now have a new Wiggles dance DVD and she is happy. She can entertain herself for a long time when the right 'tools' are present ... she listens ... dances .... sings along.... and we get a chance for some time for ourselves.
Naomi has been doing magnificent things .... she has a large uni assignment due in today and it is all completed!
Another facet of Kaylia for you ... when we go grocery shopping, she always wants to spend some time in the aisle of baby products .... nappies, creams, etc. She examines particular items which used to be part of her world .... and then stands and flaps at them. Once the routine is over she can get on with the rest of the shopping ... but she must have "nappie time"!
Later: We're home again after a frustrating car trip ..... she was quite clear that she wanted to go to Ikea ("balls, balls") .... We drove all the way over there, parked the car .... and she would NOT get out of the car and wanted go home! Sheesh!!
.... so home we went.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
#243 Sunday 1May 2011
It's 6:30am .... she's been up since about 3am .... and she's in hefalump mode - bigtime! Very noisy, up & down the stairs, not able to settle. She will either crash soon (and we get a sleep in) .... or she'll stay awake and be an absolute grot today.
OW! She's just jumped into bed and I didn't keep my arm out of the way ... she kicked my wrist!
24 days to go .... I still vacillate between the two options .... operation or management. Mornings like today help the decision!
Sshh!! .... its 9am and she's still asleep!
Gee ... the kick to the wrist was a bad one ... I can still feel the effect .... it's going to be a pain-killer day I think.
Later ... we finally slept till 11am! It kinda made up for the bad night.
Kaylia has taken Mummy shopping and I've finally had some success with the pesky dripping taps!
Part of the problem is that we have magnificent water pressure here ... and so the taps must be especially good to counter the pressure. If I were building anew here, I'd build a dual plumbing system so that some taps were on a reduced pressure and others were at mains pressure. .... plus I'd build a recirculating hot water circuit so that hot water flowed as soon as the tap was turned ... no waiting for the hot water to arrive from the tank!
Further "wristy musings" .... I frequently doubt the seriousness of the problem so in one sense it was reassuring today when I measured the angle of possible wrist movement. In the fore & aft plane, my left wrist can bend through about 160degrees .. the right wrist can only move about 60 degrees ... with pain to do that much!
Yet even that limited movement will be adequate if the pain is gone.
OW! She's just jumped into bed and I didn't keep my arm out of the way ... she kicked my wrist!
24 days to go .... I still vacillate between the two options .... operation or management. Mornings like today help the decision!
Sshh!! .... its 9am and she's still asleep!
Gee ... the kick to the wrist was a bad one ... I can still feel the effect .... it's going to be a pain-killer day I think.
Later ... we finally slept till 11am! It kinda made up for the bad night.
Kaylia has taken Mummy shopping and I've finally had some success with the pesky dripping taps!
Part of the problem is that we have magnificent water pressure here ... and so the taps must be especially good to counter the pressure. If I were building anew here, I'd build a dual plumbing system so that some taps were on a reduced pressure and others were at mains pressure. .... plus I'd build a recirculating hot water circuit so that hot water flowed as soon as the tap was turned ... no waiting for the hot water to arrive from the tank!
Further "wristy musings" .... I frequently doubt the seriousness of the problem so in one sense it was reassuring today when I measured the angle of possible wrist movement. In the fore & aft plane, my left wrist can bend through about 160degrees .. the right wrist can only move about 60 degrees ... with pain to do that much!
Yet even that limited movement will be adequate if the pain is gone.
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