Saturday, February 27, 2016

#1276 Saturday 27 February

I've missed a week ... almost.   The blogging urge has been AWOL .  Kaylia has been her usual cheery self. 

 Last night she "pressed the wrong button " for me ...... Spics and Specs was on and one of the famous guests was just about to tell us how Mick Jagger had taught him to "bend" the harmonica ..... I was enthralled ..... and just at the critical moment the screen goes blank!!!!! Whhaaatt??? Kaylia's decided that it's bedtime and she's turned the TV off.  ..... and after that she wanted to play in bed rather than sleep.   Sheesh!

This afternoon was a flashback to the "bad old days " ...... Kaylia had 2 hours in the grip of a bad attack ...... screaming and crying ...... very upset... the minutes seems like hours.  She eventually got over it but it was very unpleasant.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

#1275 Sunday 21 February

Today has shown clearly the importance of routine .... that despite her strides in development her anxiety levels are directly linked to the routine or lack of routine.   The day normally has a morning visit to Aunty Moo's ...... then home.   Today included a visit from Aunty Stana .... which in itself is highly desirable ...... but it's unusual.  Stana was to arrive at 10:30. ..... at 9am Kaylia was already becoming agitated so I took her off shopping to divert her.   We got home at 10:30 to find that Stana was going to be late .... so off we went again!  On returning home we found that Stana had not arrived ..... increase in anxiety!  So we waited outside so we could watch for the car arriving.

The anticipated visit went well but Kaylia was a bit hyper.   We then continued with the normal routines for the rest of the day ...... and Kaylia was clearly relieved.