Saturday, January 27, 2018

#1754 Saturday 27 January

It's a good day..... Kaylia is very happy..... she's really excited about going to school next Wednesday.  Last night she began to get agitated and upset..... I dosed her with pain killers and spent some cuddle time with her and she was able to calm herself and go to sleep.  I don't know how that works..... we can't communicate with her to find out what is going on.
We're waiting for Naomi to come home and then we will go shop. 

Tonight we're having a BBQ with Brit style kebabs.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

#1753 Thursday 25 January

It's less than a week to go now!  Boy is she excited.  She's really keen to see her teachers again .... they're top of the list.

I've said it many times before but I'll say it again.  I am so happy that her time at school is such a good experience.  It's such a good foundation for her future.

Today she spent the morning at Whiteman Park ..... she was right at home in the dark film room at the Revolutions Museum.

.... and this afternoon she has had a lot of 'flop-time' with me ..... and more bath time.

Tonight she wasn't very hungry for her tea .... it reminded me of her "pre medication" days when we really struggled to get her to eat anything!

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

#1752 Wednesday 24 January

Tonight when Kaylia did "calendar" after tea, she counted SIX days till school!  She is very happy.

This morning Kaylia and I went for a drive to the shops  ... "Where to?"  ..... "Mundaring" ..... "What do you want at the shops?" ..... "Grapes!"    Now that was unusual ..... and when we got to the shop she went into the shop without prompting.  (Usually she wants to stay in the car and listen to music.)  We went into Woolies but they didn't have the grapes she wanted ... so we went down to Coles.  She looked at the available choices at Coles and made her selection.   It was very interesting.

Later in the day, Kaylia went to Fremantle with Harry and Elle for her final "Friendship Club" session.  These sessions are very good for her.  She really needs social interaction and the structured activities .... school, therapy, holiday activities, aupairs ..... add up to a substitute for normal social interaction.  It's not perfect but it goes a long way toward meeting her needs.

NBN?  The first night didn't go well ... there were lots of service interruptions and I thought "Oh No!"  When I spoke to iiNet support today I found out that our first night just coincided with a night where there were state-wide outages .... it wasn't us!  We'll continue assessing.  The support form iiNet is really outstanding.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

#1751 Tuesday 23 January

Once again the annual letter regarding the dental benefits scheme has arrived from our hypocritical government.  It offers $1,000 benefits for "eligible" dental treatments .......  this sounds wonderful doesn't it ...... the catch is that they exclude any treatment provided in a hospital.  Kaylia cannot receive any dental treatment without a general anesthetic .... so she cannot claim any of this benefit.

This is a clear discrimination against children with a disability.  I have taken this right to the appropriate minister but the response is unwavering.  The decision is clearly  political so that they can say that the benefit is available .... even though the conditions attached mean that the benefit cannot be claimed.

Who else is affected in this way?  Perhaps we can make a case for the minister to apply his discretion?

3:30pm  After 2 drives and 2 hours of therapy, Kaylia now in the bath .... no surprise there!

We have been connected to the NBN today.  We have it connected on our second line .... if all is OK, then the old ADSL will be turned off.  I guess we might as well just live with it regardless as the government gives us no choice .... the old system will be turned of in June 2019 regardless of whether we still need it!

First impressions?  NBN is much faster for us ..... twice the speed of ADSL.

Monday, January 22, 2018

#1750 Monday 22 January

She  is gradually absorbing the idea that she has school NEXT WEEK ..... you can see her turning it over and over.  It would be a catastrophe if something happened and school was delayed!

She's had Friendship Club today ....  a big success as usual.  Now she's worn out and she is settling to sleep early tonight.

Project? No news .... I'm still waiting for delivery of the two 8 ton jacks that were supposed to arrive 12 days ago.  For once the Ebay delivery system has failed ... just when I need it to be as prompt as usual. I need the two jacks to do the lifting so that the rollers can be inserted under .... so it can be moved.