Kaylia was raring to go to school as usual. Last night she was outright refusing to sleep ..... she just wanted to talk about school and it was around 11 before she slept.

Today I have had a morning in the shed .... the project is "complete" after my fashion. I never have a tradesman like finish .... but it's always functional. By the time I reach the end of a project I'm too tired to see the rough edges .... so I leave them.
Because I use recycled materials, the project is always cheap. This one is costing zero $.
2:30pm. I've just been woken from my ol codger nap by another spam phone call ..... the spam calls have removed my inherent need to be polite .... it used to be that I would not end a phone call till the conclusion was mutually agreed .... no longer! As soon as the abhorrent reason for the call is clear I just say "Not interested - bye" and hang up. Rude but satisfying .... we can't stop these infuriating calls .... so rudeness is our only weapon.
Our visitors from Europe tell me that spam is not a problem there .... as a spam call is a serious offence and it is punished by the authorities. Why not here?
5:40pm. At 5pm, the "hungries" hit her ..... and it was all hands on deck to shovel food into her! She wasn't all that keen on what had been cooked for tea so I could tell that she was still hungry after a serve. So we suggested that she have a bath ..... quickly acted on..... and I prepared a one egg milkshake that she could have while in the bath. This went down well and now she's happy again.