Saturday, April 16, 2022

#2079 Saturday 16th April

Good news..... now that Kaylia is an adult she must be treated by a psychiatrist rather than a pediatrician (them the rules)..... and after a long wait, we finally had her first visit a week ago.  She has a change in her medication and after a week, we're beginning to feel that the new medication is working!  She hasn't had any attacks of the "angries" since and she seems much more relaxed and mellow.  Here's hoping! 

Sunday, April 10, 2022

#2078 Sunday 10th April

 It's a while since  .."...the last post"  (hee hee) .... things have been upsy-downsy with Kaylia.  The uncertainty of her behavior at school has us on edge .....  I can usually tell if it's going to be a bad day at school so the call to come and take her home is not a surprise.  It's disappointing though.  We cop the behavior at home too.  Today is the start of her period and this morning she was a proper brat .... and for her that always means physical, aggressive actions and refusal to comply with instructions.  In other words she's being a typical teenager ..... but her weight and strength makes this a bad combination.

Landrover - no buyers yet.  At this stage I'm not going to do any more work on it.  I'll just have a rest for a while.

Range Rover ...... it's getting closer now.  It's been passed by an engineer so it will probably pass the rego inspection in about a month.

This photo shows what some other people do with Range Rovers ...... so my vehicle is not that radical at all.  The green machine looks like a classic Bentley 3 litre ..... but it's a Range Rover underneath.