Kaylia is on two medications .... one that controls stimming and allows her to concentrate (Risperdal) .... and one that controls her anxiety levels (Lovan). Lovan doesn't seem to have any side effects for her but Risperdal has a big impact on appetite and weight gain. Over the past two years, Kaylia has gone from a slim, trim thing to a chubby thing. The added weight is not good for her.
We have two options ....
We could ignore the weight factor and use Risperdal till it is no longer needed .... hoping that her normal growth will bring the weight and BMI into proportion.
Or we can try to reduce Risperdal ASAP.
So .... over the past few days we have been reducing the dose of Risperdal .... trying to test whether the drug is still needed for her learning. If the reduced dose has no observable effect and we get no comments from school etc ....then it means that Risperdal has completed its task and we can live with out it. Her usual dose is 0.75ml per day .... since Wednesday it has been 0.5ml per day - 4 days. If after a further 10 days we can see no adverse effect, we can try a further recuction to 0.25ml per day ....
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
#356 Friday 26 August
What about Kaylia?? (I can almost hear the calls .....)
How did she cope with the disruption to routine? I think I'll ask Naomi and Kat to add their impressions from the Sunday to Wednesday .....
Kat : "Hokay so here's what I noticed.
I thought that Kaylia coped quite well with your going away; except in instances where she realized you weren't present when you normally are. Example ... walking her to school in the morning and when we went to therapy and you weren't in the office. Her anxiety was a result of not understanding why you'd left & for how long, obviously. But once she was in her routine she was able to cope, she was a trooper. Other than that I thought Kaylia was great!
Since then? Yesterday after school it was as if Kaylia was heaving a huge sigh of relief ..... her world was in order again. We were resting on the bed about 4pm and I say .... "Mummy loves you and Daddy loves you..." Kaylia looks at me ... big smile .... then she reaches up and gives me the biggest hug & kiss .... she understands!
Last night her bedtime routine was back to normal. My impression is that her ability to handle to routine changes (caused by my absence) has been much better this time. It will be good if this improvement continues when I go for future trips.
How did she cope with the disruption to routine? I think I'll ask Naomi and Kat to add their impressions from the Sunday to Wednesday .....
Kat : "Hokay so here's what I noticed.
I thought that Kaylia coped quite well with your going away; except in instances where she realized you weren't present when you normally are. Example ... walking her to school in the morning and when we went to therapy and you weren't in the office. Her anxiety was a result of not understanding why you'd left & for how long, obviously. But once she was in her routine she was able to cope, she was a trooper. Other than that I thought Kaylia was great!
Since then? Yesterday after school it was as if Kaylia was heaving a huge sigh of relief ..... her world was in order again. We were resting on the bed about 4pm and I say .... "Mummy loves you and Daddy loves you..." Kaylia looks at me ... big smile .... then she reaches up and gives me the biggest hug & kiss .... she understands!
Last night her bedtime routine was back to normal. My impression is that her ability to handle to routine changes (caused by my absence) has been much better this time. It will be good if this improvement continues when I go for future trips.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
#355 Thursday 25 August
Well! That was a great time in Bali! I feel guilty for enjoying myself so much. I didn't actually do very much .... just a simple daily routine and the fact that I was able get lots of "stuff" done.
Today has been spent tidying up all the work from the three days away. .... and dreaming of the next trip!
Today has been spent tidying up all the work from the three days away. .... and dreaming of the next trip!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
#354 Wednesday 24 August
Final cleanup, tidy up etc .... photos and videos ..... test the waterfall (it works!)

I tested the internet banking with the bank in Bali ... and found that I had not been given a user number on Monday! Just as well I checked. I was able to call the bank and after the usual identification, I was assigned a number and ... Hey Presto! It works!
The ants are a menace here ... I had a brand new sealed packet of Cheds (my indulgence) and I went to spoil myself for the last day ..... only to find that the little B..... s had chewed their way into the sealed container and it was riddled with ants! Lesson? Never leaver opened packets in the cupboard at all ..... and any sealed packets - seal them into another sealed container.
I tested the internet banking with the bank in Bali ... and found that I had not been given a user number on Monday! Just as well I checked. I was able to call the bank and after the usual identification, I was assigned a number and ... Hey Presto! It works!
The ants are a menace here ... I had a brand new sealed packet of Cheds (my indulgence) and I went to spoil myself for the last day ..... only to find that the little B..... s had chewed their way into the sealed container and it was riddled with ants! Lesson? Never leaver opened packets in the cupboard at all ..... and any sealed packets - seal them into another sealed container.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
#353 Tuesday 23 August
This sleeping gig is alright! I think I could get used to it given half a chance.
This morning I was bright & bushytailed at 6am and I've been working on the project of organising keys. There are 19 locks in the villa and originally there were 19 separate keys. The system has now been changed so that there are 4 locks with specific keys (the 2 entries, the storeroom and the staff bathroom) and all other locks can be opened with one key. There are 5 sets of entry plus interior ... and 2 master sets with all keys. All are engraved with a code to match them with the lock.
A quiet day is planned for today. A few finishing jobs ..... maybe a ride on the bike.
The ride was good ... up to Hardys to get more keys and to try and find small screws .... no good! Then on to John & Pat's place. Natter. Then back along the beach path. It was interesting to recognise the places we have stayed in ... the swimming pools and restaurants stick in the visual memory. I was back at the villa by 11:30. Makan siang at Mama Putu. Then finish the key rack ....
I'm pleased with it!
The waterfall is in place now. Next step is to arrange the water to be pumped up to the top pool.
4:00pm The afternoon has been spent hanging the green painting, fitting hooks to hang keys in inconspicuous places, supervising Saiful as he fixes the drainage problem in the bathroom, fitting racks & holders in the maid's bathroom ......paying Yudhi up to date ..... all in all a busy afternoon!
This morning I was bright & bushytailed at 6am and I've been working on the project of organising keys. There are 19 locks in the villa and originally there were 19 separate keys. The system has now been changed so that there are 4 locks with specific keys (the 2 entries, the storeroom and the staff bathroom) and all other locks can be opened with one key. There are 5 sets of entry plus interior ... and 2 master sets with all keys. All are engraved with a code to match them with the lock.
A quiet day is planned for today. A few finishing jobs ..... maybe a ride on the bike.
The ride was good ... up to Hardys to get more keys and to try and find small screws .... no good! Then on to John & Pat's place. Natter. Then back along the beach path. It was interesting to recognise the places we have stayed in ... the swimming pools and restaurants stick in the visual memory. I was back at the villa by 11:30. Makan siang at Mama Putu. Then finish the key rack ....
I'm pleased with it!
The waterfall is in place now. Next step is to arrange the water to be pumped up to the top pool.
4:00pm The afternoon has been spent hanging the green painting, fitting hooks to hang keys in inconspicuous places, supervising Saiful as he fixes the drainage problem in the bathroom, fitting racks & holders in the maid's bathroom ......paying Yudhi up to date ..... all in all a busy afternoon!
Monday, August 22, 2011
#352 Monday 22 August
Gee ... I'd forgotten what it is to sleep well! Wonderful experience. I went to bed about 8pm ... I was woken at 10pm by the security man arriving on his motorbike (parking it in our garage) and then turning on the garage light. I went to ask him not to do that when we are staying. I'll have to get Wewin to explain to him that he can't do it when we have rental guest either ... better not to do it at all.
After that I read for a while and then dropped off to wake at 5am. Read some more .... then up at 6 for breakfast and a tidy up. At the moment I have the happy sound of 2 cordless screwdrivers running to flatten their batteries .... conditioning the memory.
Today? Bank battle .... maybe stop at the water fountain place if I see it .... Wiwin after lunch. Need to talk about workmen raiding the food supplies!
It was a good morning! It took ages at the bank but I left there with a system in place which will allow us to transfer funds to and from Bali without fees, that will allow us to access AU$ and Rp from ATMs without fees.). ..... And all this while being served by Ida Ayu .... who is ayu!
Then it was head for home .... but I spotted a yard selling cement fountains ... and bought one which should be really good along the edge of the pool. It will be a series of small bowls which are fed by the pool pump and cascade into the pool. They will deliver this afternoon.

Fit the cup hooks for the gazebo curtain. ..... done
Fit the guest room door stops and catches. .... done
After that I read for a while and then dropped off to wake at 5am. Read some more .... then up at 6 for breakfast and a tidy up. At the moment I have the happy sound of 2 cordless screwdrivers running to flatten their batteries .... conditioning the memory.
Today? Bank battle .... maybe stop at the water fountain place if I see it .... Wiwin after lunch. Need to talk about workmen raiding the food supplies!
It was a good morning! It took ages at the bank but I left there with a system in place which will allow us to transfer funds to and from Bali without fees, that will allow us to access AU$ and Rp from ATMs without fees.). ..... And all this while being served by Ida Ayu .... who is ayu!
Then it was head for home .... but I spotted a yard selling cement fountains ... and bought one which should be really good along the edge of the pool. It will be a series of small bowls which are fed by the pool pump and cascade into the pool. They will deliver this afternoon.
Fit the cup hooks for the gazebo curtain. ..... done
Fit the guest room door stops and catches. .... done
Sunday, August 21, 2011
#351 Sunday 21 August
8:20am Gorgeous!
The flight up was memorable for there being a girl sitting behind me who must have been on an upper .... she was loud and constantlly kicked, hit and squeezed the back of my seat! I arrived at the villa about midnight ... it was all lit up with welcome fruit & message from Yudhie et al ... nice. I slept well and found that the last residents (Grr ... someone ... Not Sally ... ) had cleaned out the food & water from the fridge ... and left it empty! Of course tidak toko terbuka (no shops open) ... when I discovered this at 6am!
Since then I've been planning ... fixed the front garage door which couldn't lock.
Wrestling with Firefox which wants to display in Indonesian!
Tea time:
Been to Galleria to see Simpati ..... the dual SIM thing for the iPhone is problematical in their experience. So far I'm going back to using Indosat internally. Indosat is unreliable but it works sometimes!
Went to Mitre 10 to get the "keyed alike" locks and 2 more little screw-drivers. Got one for Made too. He's chuffed.
Got a gas bottle. Funny story .... We have a gas stove but no gas .... so I need to buy a bottle of gas. At the gas depot, the security man stops us and asks Made what we want .... We say "Gas bottle" .... he says "I sell you one for 150k ... 200k from depot!" .... (No prize for guessing where they come from!) So much for security! Sho nuff .... his motorbike is 50 metres down the road and on it he has sacks full of gas bottles. Enterprise Bali style.
Went to Lottemart. .. Stocked up on liquids ... coffee, water, juices, .... Lottemart had pushbikes on sale. I bought a folding bike for 1mil (5mil at Ace)

Now .... I'm bushed .... redang and coke .... Then maybe bed.
Tomorrow .... I'm off to do battle with the bank and get the account working.
The flight up was memorable for there being a girl sitting behind me who must have been on an upper .... she was loud and constantlly kicked, hit and squeezed the back of my seat! I arrived at the villa about midnight ... it was all lit up with welcome fruit & message from Yudhie et al ... nice. I slept well and found that the last residents (Grr ... someone ... Not Sally ... ) had cleaned out the food & water from the fridge ... and left it empty! Of course tidak toko terbuka (no shops open) ... when I discovered this at 6am!
Since then I've been planning ... fixed the front garage door which couldn't lock.
Wrestling with Firefox which wants to display in Indonesian!
Tea time:
Been to Galleria to see Simpati ..... the dual SIM thing for the iPhone is problematical in their experience. So far I'm going back to using Indosat internally. Indosat is unreliable but it works sometimes!
Went to Mitre 10 to get the "keyed alike" locks and 2 more little screw-drivers. Got one for Made too. He's chuffed.
Got a gas bottle. Funny story .... We have a gas stove but no gas .... so I need to buy a bottle of gas. At the gas depot, the security man stops us and asks Made what we want .... We say "Gas bottle" .... he says "I sell you one for 150k ... 200k from depot!" .... (No prize for guessing where they come from!) So much for security! Sho nuff .... his motorbike is 50 metres down the road and on it he has sacks full of gas bottles. Enterprise Bali style.
Went to Lottemart. .. Stocked up on liquids ... coffee, water, juices, .... Lottemart had pushbikes on sale. I bought a folding bike for 1mil (5mil at Ace)
Now .... I'm bushed .... redang and coke .... Then maybe bed.
Tomorrow .... I'm off to do battle with the bank and get the account working.
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