Saturday, June 6, 2020

#2025 Saturday 6th June 2020

Kaylia has done her dash this week...... she used up all her DVD allowance in testing us to see what she could get away with. She was quite deliberate and obvious about it.... she would watch us as she uttered her looping.  She was clearly testing her limits! ..... and so she has NO DVDs this week.  She's ropeable.

The building is progressing well....... 
In this photo you can see the balcony between the two buildings and the foof frame being constructed above.  The roofing steel is coming Monday so I should be able to complete this part of the roof this week.  Then it will be just the final bit of roof over the bungalow left. 

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

#2024 Wednesday 3rd June

6am and I've forgotten to put the bins out last night!  Up and put some warm clothes on..... outside and breathe thanks for the bridge and side gate.... and the driveway!  In the old days the bins had to be hauled up many stairs...... now it's a smooth driveway. It's still about a 25 degree slope though.  The heart rate is really pounding by the time I reach the road level with 2 heavy bins in tow. 
Now I can go back to bed and not dread the sound of the rubbish truck coming down the street. 

The strategy for "looping" control is interesting...... Kaylia is really trying it out.  She knows what she is doing and she tries the limits to see if we will give in.  This week after two days, she has lost eight of the ten DVD allowed!  We've warned her that if she looses more than ten, then she will have to take the DVDs back to the op shop!