Saturday, May 3, 2014

#884 Saturday 3 May

Kaylia's confidence is growing .... the time is approaching when we can drop her off outside school .... rather than having to take her right into the classroom.   In some ways Kaylia is like a late developing child .... just very late!

She has had a good day .... quarry .... library .... playground ..... shops ..... hose ..... shops ......
This evening she's been very "pushy" .... trying to get us to do what she wants.  .... cookies...... icecream ( she's already had that!). .... and then she tries to get us to find programs n her iPad - she is perfectly able to do that!    We don't give in to her nagging though. She's had two "time-out" sessions in her room.

Friday, May 2, 2014

#883 Friday 2 April

The nights are getting cold now and Kaylia's sleep needs to be managed as a result.   I realised that she was cold by around 3 or 4am .... and she was waking. So I've started putting an extra blanket on her after the midnight wee run and she now sleeps much better.
It's always a balancing act to manage her sleep .... the aim is to to have her sleep well .... but not so deeply that she can't respond to her body's signals.

This sort of management would be much simpler if she could communicate with us ..... her verbal communication is getting better but  it's still pretty basic.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

#882 Thursday 1 May

It's 6:30am and Kaylia has been wide awake since 5:30.  She was very tired last night and went straight to sleep early .... and has now woken full of beans.
Today she will have a little treat when Naomi and I take her to school.

2:30pm .... a trip update from "Boris & Co"  (Boris is the campervan)

now we are in Albany.
We went through bunburry busselton
Augusta pemperton and now albany.
Lara used her onesi last night and the corned beef is delicious.
I think our next report could be in Kalgoorlie or in Adelaide.


Wednesday, April 30, 2014

#881 Wednesday 30 April

It was Kat's first "solo" day .... she did well and Kaylia came home "with her happy feet on".

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

#880 Tuesday 29 April

Kaylia was very excited to be going off to school this morning.  It's so good that school is being a positive experience for her.

Lara and Chris have gone to collect the Toyota Hi-Ace campervan that will be their "home" for the next two months.  

Then they will pack up all their stuff and head off .... first stop Margaret River.

Monday, April 28, 2014

#879 Monday 28 April

It poured with rain last night .... and it still looked like more rain this morning ... so when the troops were getting ready for a walk, we went searching for a rain coat for Kaylia.  It couldn't be found ... so I got my 'ski jacket'.  This is jacket is big on me ... so it was huge on Kaylia and she was delighted!

3pm. I arrived home to find her under the hose as usual .... despite the day being quite cold.  I don't know how she does it!

Therapy again in 30 minutes .... she's excited.   When therapy starts I'll drive down the hill to rescue Naomi.  She's left the car headlights on and flattened the battery.

Tonight is the last night for Chris and Lara .... they head off tomorrow.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

#878 Sunday 27 April

Aunty Moo's today ..... but first ..... pancakes for breakfast!   And as a treat for Chris .... before departure .... it will be pancakes with bacon!

Many of you will know of the attachment Kaylia has for her "pink pillow"  ..... tonight as she settled for sleep she asked for "pink piwo" .... we searched all over .... where could it be .... I turned the light on .... and there it was! She had the pillow stuffed down the front of her pyjamas and she'd forgotten!