It was 'mini-Christmas' today .... to add spice to life I arrange a sequence of small EBay purchases .... $2 to $3 each .... the idea is that on any day, there just might be a surprise in the mail! Today the mail system went wonky and 6 arrived at once. Admittedly most were new underwear but .... It's still a parcel in the mail!
Now the the ABC has iView on the iPhone, I thought to myself ... "I can watch some TV while I'm in bed.". Alas, the years of only being able to watch Wiggles and kids TV now mean that I just can't get interested in programs that used to be my favourites .... I started watching a pathologist series ... and found myself being annoyed by things in the plot that I never noticed before. I'm ruined!
Kaylia is still loving school .... in the current cold weather she refuses to wear warm clothes. She's wearing summer uniform and if we put a jumper on, she soon takes it off! She almost glows with her internal heating system. The school staff say that she gets cold at school .... but I can't believe it! I think they can't accept that she isn't cold so they imagine that's she is.
Naomi has been REALLY sick today .... so much so that she stayed home from work and went to the doctor. It's the flu thing that hit Kaylia a couple of weeks ago. I've got it too but not as bad as Naomi. Kaylia is so entrenched in her routines that when she arrived home from school, she was upset by Naomi being at home ...