Monday, September 13, 2021
#2021 Monday 13th September
Sunday, September 12, 2021
#2020 Sunday 12th September 2021
Last week I had a follow up scan that would detect any remaining cancer cells after the removal of the thyroid. Fortunately there was no sign of any cancer. This scan did not give any information about the abnormal growth in the tongue. I will see a specialist about this next Tuesday.
Over the past couple of weeks I've been building a new chook pen to house our 3 chickens. It is built totally from recycled materials.... apart from the concrete foundations, the screws and the sand floor.
The pen is now complete and we will move the chooks into their new home this week.
Today was DVD day at the op shops ..... Kaylia is still obsessed with her collection and the stack is huge. Periodically she decides that the collection is too big and she fills a few bags with DVDs to return them to the op shops.