Poor Zoe! She's a 'blog addict' and she's found out about the censorship in China .... apparently blogs are so terrible that people must be prevented from reading them .... I find the same in Indonesia .... I cannot access the blog while in Bali! So .... while Zoe is in China I am making a 'PDF' version of the blog after each day's blog has been written .... and I email it to her! (stick that up your jumper China!)
Writing a blog is a strange process ..... On the one hand it's a story about Kaylia and 'us' ..... but it can't be written "warts and all" because it has to be able to keep the interest of the readers .... You!
If the tone of the blog becomes too flat .... Or too irritating ... then readers will lose interest. So..... the bad things are toned down and the good things are 'highlighted'. Fortunately Kaylia provides lots of 'good copy' so it makes my task easy. But it means that to get a real idea of life in 'Kaylia Land', the reader has to translate any comments about the bad times .... the reality is usually much worse than the picture painted.
We're learning a lesson this time .... giving Kaylia too much anticipation of "holiday" can actually add to her anxiety. Her understanding of time is not adequate for her to grasp the concept of the long wait till we go. She saw that we were preparing the blue room ready for Zoe arriving .... Interpreted it as packing for Bali ..... and ever since she's been expecting that "holiday" is about to happen! It's a lesson for next time.
Today ...... school! Exciting again.
Each evening after tea Kaylia goes and gathers the clothes she will need in the morning and puts them upstairs ready for when she dresses. On Friday night and Saturday night she still wants school uniform! We have to tell her that "tomorrow is not school! .... It's home time tomorrow."