Wednesday, November 15, 2023

#2236 Wednesday 15th November

 Kaylia is still in limbo at Workpower ....  the offer of a paid position is still being sorted.  "Paid" is a sort of fiction ..... the pay is $1.00 per week! But it means that she will have a regular routine and a meaningful activity.  It will be at a sheltered workshop where the workers do tasks such as packing bulk items into the small parcels needed for retail sales.  She will still have one on one assistance .... and she will be part of a group that gives her a social outlet.  It's a fair bit of travel though.  The workshop is in Malaga .... about 30-40 minutes drive each way.  In the morning, we take her from Darlington to the Midvale Workpower centre .... and then her carer will drive her from Midvale to Malaga.  The travel at  the end of the day is the reverse of this.

Progress report  on the Landrover .... I had to remove the power steering box so that it could be serviced to fix a bad oil leak.

This is the steering box that takes the driver's action on the steering wheel .... and turns it into left - right movement of the front wheels.

Point (10) is where the steering wheel moves ..... and point (20) at the bottom moves the front wheels.

It seems to be leaking at the point (9) and it leaked badly under pressure.  I removed the box a week ago and I will collect the repaired box tomorrow.  It was a physically hard job to remove the box and I have arranged for a fellow Landrover "nut" to come around to help me reinstall it.  It will be good to have this task completed as the vehicle can't be moved till it's all back together.

I hope that the process of getting it registered for road use will end at some point.  It feels never-ending!