Last night she took herself off to bed at 6:30pm! ....... and she went straight to sleep. When I think back over the years, a lot of the time has been marked by the difficulty of getting her to sleep.... and the unsettled sleep during the night. Fortunately these problems have greatly improved and Naomi and I can concentrate on our own sleep!
It's now 9:30am and we are still in bed..... iPhones Rock! ... and while Kaylia surfs on YouTube, I can do the blog and some political activism ..... GetUp has requested submissions to a Senate inquiry into how such organizations are funded. The "big people" don't like the fact that the "little people" at last have a voice ... via things such as GetUp. GetUp is funded 97% by people like you and me.
I wrote: "I am a 66 year old age pensioner living in Darlington WA 6070. I feel that in the rise of instant media, the political process has failed to grasp the opportunity to implement true democracy. With current technology we could have a system where the "people" speak on every issue.... instead the political process is mired in fear of losing power and face.
I support Get Up with $3 per week paid by an automatic debit. Getup is the closest thing we have to a true democracy..... please don't allow the power and the money to silence my voice."
10am and we've been up and breakfasted .... and B+S have taken Kaylia off to the coast .... they haven't seen the WA beaches yet.
While upstairs I tested the so and so blue car to see if it would start .... and it behaved perfectly! Drat it!! ..... while it has no fault, the mechanic cannot diagnose the fault ..... and so the fault cannot be fixed.
12 noon .... just heard on the radio .... California is to change "Christopher Columbus Day" to instead celebrate the First Nations people who were in North America loooonnngggg before Chris arrived! Yay!
I think there is a growing movement to rename Australia Day .... or move the date .... or something .... anything which will recognise that our own First Nations people did actually exist when the ships arrived in Botany Bay in 1788.