Saturday, October 6, 2012

#718 Saturday 6 October

I had some thoughts yesterday ... strange as that may seem! .....
First ... I was listening to therapy in progress and thought .... "Kaylia loves therapy time ... that enthusiasm will probably grow into a love of studying."
Second .... Therapy is such hard work! There is very little (about the skills of living) that Kaylia actually learns normally ... without having to be taught in great detail. One day we will look back on this time and it will all seem as though it has been a bad dream.
She is so ..... so ..... obstinate! She knows the words (needed to make a sentence.) She knows that we are asking her to use the words. She knows that we will keep on at her till she uses the words ...... but she still resists using them! Sheesh!
She had the morning at the lake with AJ

..... and the the beach at Hillarys in the afternoon.

Friday, October 5, 2012

#717 Friday 5 October

4am ..... iPads are wonderful .... she's been watching ABC4Kids for half an hour now (with headphones) and she's starting to yawn .... we might get some more sleep yet! I play Solitaire and read the news.
A first! At bedtime she gathered up Zoe and AJ .... and took them upstairs! She has never done this before. It will be interesting to see where this change in behaviour leads.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

#716 Thursday 4October

Yesterday was AJ's birthday .... we went to Sizzlers for a little party. Kaylia loved it as usual. Sizzlers means that she gets her favorite foods .... she sits there with a big smile on her dial .... then after dessert she always ends up with extra 'make-up' over her face - a mixture of smarties and ice cream!
During the drive home the two "big kids" were each on a 'sugar high' ..... the Wiggles 'Big Red Car' was playing and "the kids" were 'singing' along .... I think that's what the strange noise was!
Tuesday night had been a bad one .... Kaylia slept in till 10am yesterday ..... but Naomi suffered! The 'wog' plus the sleepless night meant that she 'crashed' when we got home.
AJ has planned a picnic at Kings Park for today .... Kaylia loves going to KP and often refreshes her memories with photos from previous trips.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

#715 Tuesday 2 October

It's been the first day of the school break ... Kaylia has had lots of swimming .... AJ is worn out! Naomi and I came home at 7:30 and AJ was fast asleep on the couch!
Zoe is worn out too ... she gave herself the task of re-vamping the pantry. Many hours later it looks wonderful ... but Zoe has had enough of it!
Naomi is back at work .... I think the 3 day rest has been good for her.
I've actually been having some quality 'me time' in the shed .... I'm sorting, cleaning, moving .... preparing to move my office space back down to the basement.

Monday, October 1, 2012

#714 Monday 1 October

Kaylia is really getting the hang of "Negotiation"! This morning I asked if she wanted a coffee as usual .... Yes.
Coffee is made .... then she says "no" to coffee .... when we pointed out to her that she had asked for coffee, she then began to negotiate for "Aunty Moo's after coffee" ...!
(She has been asking to go to Aunty Moo's for days.)
Gee ... summer certainly arrived on the first of the month!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

#713 Sunday 30 Sept

Last day of burning off. Summer!
I've actually had some shed time today .... sawing wood .... cleaning gutters .... sorting stuff.
Naomi is still not well ... she's been asleep for most of today. It's perfect timing for her to be sick .... a long weekend!
Kaylia is still struggling with the congested abdomen ..... it plays havoc with her moods .... she can't tell us what she is feeling and we just see the effect on her behaviour. She had a near meltdown this afternoon .... in hindsight I suspect that it was tummy ache .... but we can't tell.