Friday, July 12, 2024

#2305 Friday 12th July

Friday is one of Kaylia's two days at Workpower ..... her Fridays used to be a "paid" employment day but she failed the probationary period .... they said they she wouldn't try the new tasks that they asked of her.  I can easily imagine this ....  and I know the strategies that I would use to encourage her. .... nothing outlandish ... just rewards for doing small steps of progress and withholding of rewards when she resisted.  But when I suggested some of my ideas their reaction was that they are not allowed to do that!  ..... and they are not allowed to have a parent on site to assist with such changes.

Some time back she was working as a volunteer at the "Save the Children" workshop where they prepare donations to be despatched to their op shops.  Kaylia enjoyed that time.  She was doing tasks such as preparing jig-saw puzzle pieces .... putting them into bags.  In a few weeks, she will resume that work.

During this week I had some enjoyable time visiting my older brother Pete ....  we're working out a way that I can spend more time with him.  This is good because he has always been an important part of my life and in recent years, our contact has been too brief .  Pete lives in Butler and it's a bit of a hike ... but it's good to drive the Landrover ..... and the drive has some very picturesque parts.

This is a shot of my new "shed" .....  yesterday I constructed some more shelving .....

The shelves are not allowed to be fixed to the wall .... 

This shot shows my solution for hanging space ..... a timber beam jammed between the columns of the wall.

The neighbours put this bike on the verge ..... so I snaffled it!  It's good for a bit of exercise.