Saturday, January 13, 2024

#2254 Saturday 13th January

It's sometimes intriguing to see what things Kaylia places value on.  This morning we went to the first of three op shops.....  she's allowed 10 dvds in each shop.  But in the first shop she found a cache of "high value"  dvds and wanted 14!  I said that she could have the 14..... but straight home.  In other words she could have 14 now......  or 30 later.  She chose the 14 now!  Go figure. 

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

#2253 Wednesday 10th of January

Current project......  removing the spa and filling that space with decking.  This will be space for a studio for David when he retires. 
Here you can see that the spa has been removed and the framing is nearly completed ready for the deck planks. 

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

#2252 Tuesday 9th January

We live in exciting and awe inspiring times...... on the one hand we can look at an image of the construction of a single cell in our body ........ 

......  and then we are shown images of galaxies so far distant that they were old when our universe began!  In other words it may be that before time (as we know it) began, another reality existed in which time was already old. 
It inspires awe.