Saturday, February 1, 2025

#2351 Saturday 1st February

Life chugs along....  Kaylia is still basking in the happy memories of her birthday.  She's impressed by her being an adult. 

As a family we're happy but stressed by living literally "hand to mouth".... each day we're having check if we have some money for our evening meal.  We know that things will get better but it's hard. We haven't had any money for rent this week and we hope that funds will come in so that we can pay the rent.

I've been visiting Maxine in hospital each day. She is gradually fading. 

When the weather is cool enough to go into the "shed", I've been working on the Landrover..... making a new instrument binnacle.   I'll finish it in a few days and I'll include a picture.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

#2350 Thursday 30th January

She's 21 years old today!   She's been very aware of the occasion all day and she was super excited to be going to Hogs Breath for her little party..... she was full as a goog!

We came home and had her birthday cake..... 
For months she's been anticipating having the pink cake with marshmallows 

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

#2349 Wednesday 29th January

 Kaylia is very excited about her birthday tomorrow. We've booked at "Hogs Breath" restaurant in Kelmscott .... Hogs Breath would have to be her favorite place to eat and the chain is gradually closing down.  Kelmscott is the last one in Perth.  She loves having the special icecream dish they serve.

This morning I've been to the hospital to visit Maxine.  She is still with us but she's fading.

Monday, January 27, 2025

#2348 Monday 27th January

You know of my love of Landrovers..... how about this!
Since it's MMA, it means that this probably dates from the 60s or 70s.

We visited Maxine this morning..... she's still with us.... sleeping mostly. 

Sunday, January 26, 2025

#2347 Sunday 26th January

I'm sitting in the hospital.... watching Maxine as she gradually winds down.  She's sleeping most of the time and not in pain. The end will be soon. She has family around her. 

I've been listening to a harrowing account of auschwitz survivors ... it is tragic.. horrible.... wonderful... all at the same time. That such an industry could have been made of murder. That beauty and hope could thrive in such circumstances.

I feel guilty .... to be alive.

My interest in old machines still thrives.

This is an old sheet metal bench shears ..... it's very unusual in that it is "throat-less". Normally with this sort of tool, the metal you are cutting can't be cut close to the edge ..... but this has a strange shape that allows much closer access.

The bottom plate is broken. It's made of cast iron so I will be able to use my experience of welding cast iron to repair it.  The tool is really well made with adjustable cutting parts.