Saturday, July 1, 2017
#1589 Saturday 1 July
Friday, June 30, 2017
#1588 Friday 30 June
Kaylia stayed home from school today.... she's getting better but she's not over the wog yet. She slept for all but about 3 hours of the day. She was most annoyed to be missing out on the usual Friday night food. (We sent the two healthy ones out to eat out.... so Kaylia didn't have to see them eating!) Even so Kaylia was pestering us for chips..... and we kept saying no. Since she had been keeping food down today, I eventually thought I'd "test the waters" by taking her for a drive to get a teeny weeny serve of chips.
When we got to HJ, you should have seen her face when she realised that the chips really were for her!
Meandering thoughts.... many of you will be familiar with the concept of "mindfulness"..... one aspect of this is awareness of the workings within our body..... so at teatime, my thoughts wandered to being aware of the movement and actions of the mouth, tongue, jaws etc.... while chewing food. And I became quite astounded by the complexity! Try it.
Thursday, June 29, 2017
#1587 Thursday 29 June
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
#1586 Wednesday 28 June
Today was a "mini holiday".... a pupil free school day. Kaylia scored a trip to the Yanchep national park.
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
#1585 Tuesday 27 June
Naomi has survived the night ... just. The vomiting stopped about midnight ... now (8am Tuesday morning) she is very weak and needing fluids. She has to stay in bed today.
Kaylia was oblivious .... just mildly annoyed that she couldn't have "Mummy stories" .... she had to accept s daddy story instead .... that's not nearly as good!
9pm Naomi has slept most of the day and now feel better but still very weak. She was able do stories at the routine time.... so kaylia was satisfied. Kaylia's behaviour this evening has shown that last night she was affected by the change in routine.
Monday, June 26, 2017
#1584 Monday 26 June
Today at school, Kaylia normally has therapy with Simone in school time.... but today was a "transport training day" so therapy is done after school. I was listening in and noticed that Kaylia was singing while Simone was giving instructions .... Simone says "Stop singing while ..." I then hear Kaylia singing a song about not singing!
One of the current tasks is learning to read the time from clocks. She was doing reasonably well today..... and I realised that she appears to be reading the time during the night. For a long time I have been saying to her "You can come upstairs when the clock says 6:30..... and lately she has been doing exactly that!
Naomi is not well tonight..... a tummy wog. I hope it's not too bad. Kaylia is missing her. If we both get sick at the same time, things could get difficult with Kaylia.
9:30 It is bad! She's been vomiting every 15 minutes for 5 hours now. I've just returned from a trip to the late night chemist to get more medicine. She's exhausted... Poor thing.
Sunday, June 25, 2017
#1583 Sunday 25 June
It's 7:40am ..... Kaylia is in the bath with lots of bubbles. The plan was to keep her asleep do the Naomi could have a satisfactory sleep in ...... alas it was not to be. Kaylia woke at 7 with a loud "I like Bali!" ..... and it was non stop "I like XYZ" while she scrolled through all her memories.
Today we will go to visit Aunty Maxine ..... her broken wrist has been plated and screwed. I was very hesitant about visiting .... I have very strong memories of the days and weeks after my wrist operation in 2011 ..... there's no way that I could have wanted a visitor in the recovery time.... it was many days till the pain level dropped enough. Maxine has pain from her broken back, broken wrist ..... and pain from shingles as well. Poor thing.