Friday, February 9, 2024

#2264 Friday 9th February 2024

 Big day!  The Department of Transport approval letter has been received!  The next step is for the Landrover to be inspected and approved.  Once this approval is given, I can take it in for an inspection for actual registration.  It's a very long process but progress is really being made.

Kaylia is at work today.  She works on Fridays and gets a pay of $18 per fortnight.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

#2263 Thursday 8th February

 I've just watched a video about a researcher using an MRI to observe the activity in a dog's brain when the dog is presented with praise or when presented with a food reward.  Over a number of observations of blood activity and dopamine production in different dogs it was shown that praise generated a much higher level of dopamine (pleasure hormone).   So it shows that our dogs are more motivated by their social bond with us than they are by food.  Interesting.

Monday, February 5, 2024

#2262 Monday 5th February

 Kaylia has speech therapy sessions every Tuesday morning and she really enjoys them.  Often when I'm with her she works hard at improving her pronunciation of words.  For instance she often remembers the school balls which were held at the Crown Towers in Burswood.  In the past she has known it as "the Burswood Hotel" and she worked hard to get the BERZ sound.  This morning she was saying "Crown Towers" quite well and I wondered where this had come from.  She said that she had driven past it and seen the Crown Towers.  She spelled the words on my phone.  I am impressed!

My Landrover is making progress  .... no further news from the department yet .... but I'm hopeful.