Thursday, February 17, 2022

#2064 Thursday 17th February

 It's like walking on eggshells at the moment .... waiting for the cheerful Kaylia to suddenly vanish and be replaced by the KK monster!   

I wait all day for the dreaded phone call from school asking me to come and get her.....  or we carefully manage the tea table to make sure that she doesn't mess up and then we have to deduct from her DVD allowance.   .....  and I think that Kaylia is constantly seeking reassurance that she is still going to the ball in a weeks time!  (Things would have to be really bad for that penalty but I can imagine a school situation where they might exclude her.)

Tough times atm.

A report for the blokes.... Bob the Beast (the Range Rover) is still at the workshop .... gradually getting closer to getting number plates!  The vehicle examiner is now requiring an Engineer's Certificate for the modifications.  It has been there for 2 months now ..... and I think it will be at least another month before it can be licensed.  (Apparently the attitude of the Dept of Transport is that they don't like modified vehicles and they don't like old vehicles.  They want to get as many old cars off the road as they can.)

Rex ... (the Series 2A) is slowly progressing. I'm working on the brakes .... a completely new system - new brake lines and wheel cylinders.  It's also getting close to engine starting day ..... I'm waiting on a tool to come in the mail ... a gadget which will make diagnosing the electrical connections easier.....  then I can make the last few bits happen .... and try starting it.

Monday, February 14, 2022

#2063 Monday 14th February

She's home today.... she was suspended from school because of another grabbing incident. It's not good. She understands that it's serious.

The trial of CBD oil that Kaylia and I are both on is progressing.  Not much apparent effect yet but it's still a week from the reviews so maybe it will be doing something by then.