Saturday, November 9, 2013

#733 Saturday 9 November

A while ago I was standing by the table in the dining room and ..... BANG!! ..... a bird had crashed into the window again.  I think they see in one window and out through the other .... and think that they can fly through!
This time it wasn't a Kookaburra .... it was some sort of hawk.

It was dazed so I managed to get some photos. I almost tried to pick it up ... imagine what would have happened with that beak and those talons!

This morning the Holden broke down and left Kaylia and Jo stranded on the Reid Highway till a Good Samaritan took them home. It's not good.  I'll be glad when we can replace that car.

Kaylia took it all in her stride ....
Today? .... as usual  she has been in water  most of the day.

Friday, November 8, 2013

#732 Friday 8 November

Swimming .... shower..... hose ....... swimming ...... hose ...... shower ..... I think she likes water.

Once again today I've heard the story from another parent of an auty one ..... and I'm so glad that we have put so much work and time and effort and money into Kaylia's therapy.  Our story is now one of hope for the future for her ..... instead of the dismal prospect that parents face if they can't follow the therapy course.  Sometimes I feel like shaking thse parents ... to try and get them to realise the consequences of their lack of effort.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

#731 Thursday 7 November

On the weekend we saw a lounge suite at the op shop ..... you know how we love the op shop!  The suite was in perfect condition and it's 2 recliners and a 2 seater recliner .... it was delivered this mornng .....

We got a delivery service to do it .... "oi remumba wun oi kud thro chairs round loik that!"

Gee it made it easy.

I'm having an afternoon off .... I'm playng with laptops ..... you remember how Naomi's Sony had a hard disk cadenza?  Well, I've procured another two the same  and I'm in the process of trying to resurrect two working  machines from the three.

Kaylia?   I'm waiting to see her reaction to the lounge suite when she gets home from school.

She's home now and she was very excited with the new seats!

.... and the dead Vaio has been resurrected! It lives again.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

#730 Wednesday 6 November

Snakes!  We've had graphic proof of the value of bob-tail lizards ... or blue tongue skinks .... whatever you like to call them.  We regard them is "our friends" and today one was observed eating a snake .... good stuff!

I was shopping a short time ago and I had to buy some disposable plastic knives at Woolworths ... when it came to the checkout, I had to prove that I was old enough!  My gast was truly flabbered.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

#729 Tuesday 5 November

I'm stuffed!  I'm getting too old for this caper ..... it's been a busy day with 2 trips into the city plus the normal office work .... I'll sleep well tonight!  And Kaylia will sleep well too .... she's had a big swimming session at school and therapy after.

Her therapy progress is really pleasing . We met another parent tonight who has known Kaylia long term .... and she commented on the clear improvement that can be seen.  I have hopes that the rate of progress will continue.

Monday, November 4, 2013

#728 Monday 4 November

We're back home after the weekly Nandos trip ..... Kaylia is happy .... but she"s nagging a lot about "holidays" ..... last night we booked the December trip (17th to 30th) s we can now do a count down at least.

Therapy today was really good.  The "play" sessions are becoming very effective ... today she had about half an hour of genuine imaginary play!  This is BIG progress.  One activity was for her to bring me a pretend yoghurt and then "feed" me. It is working!  After all this time she is imagining.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

#727 Sunday 3 November

The day has run according to Kaylia's routine .... with variations to suit the biggies.  She began with "hose" then it was in the car to go to Aunty Moo's place.  Moo is away and Kaylia had an interesting reaction ... clearly Aunty Moo is an important part of the routine because she very quickly decided that she didn't want to stay .... she wanted to move on to Aunty Maxine's.  Since Maxine was in residence, this suited Kaylia much better .... she was a happy chappy indeed!  It's very good to see.

On the drive home I commented to Naomi that Kaylia is getting much better at managing her own moods and anxiety attacks etc.  It's a far cry from even just two years ago when we would need to help her to breathe to get through her attacks.

Once we arrived home, we had another prospective aupair to visit.  We were very much at ease with this person ... or I should say "these people" .... this is a couple!  We've never had a couple before so it will be a good experience..... assuming that they want to stay with us!